delmontebanana's story


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Hi All!
This is my first post, and I wanted to say how glad I am that there are other balding people out there who have got together to discuss remedies for balding :)

Now, a bit about myself.
Both my parents have a full head of hair with no signs of hair loss at all.
My hairline started receding when I was about 19 and the top of the head started thinning about 21, by which time the hairline was quite a bit receded. I'm not sure if dying my hair red,blonde, purple and brown every other month during university helped that much... :cry: I stopped dying my hair just after I graduated, noticing that I was going a bit thin on top and decided to use some sort of remedy.
I've used the whole Nioxin range for a year (GOD it's expensive!), and I can say that it did nothing to regrow or stop my hair falling out so I stopped it.

I recently started the Regaine 5% Minoxidil treatment at the age of 23 and currently I'm on my second week (missed a couple of treatments due to getting pissed.)
Comments so far: No signs of more hair falling out yet, but a lot of dryness of the scalp. And has anyone else noticed how Goddamn oily this stuff is? I look like Don Corleone after I've applied this stuff!

Anyways, nice to meet you all and will update you the progress of the treatment. :hairy:


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Most people around here will tell you to hold off on Minoxidil/Rogaine as long as possible and begin with Finasteride/Propecia/Proscar if you want to maintain and thicken what you have.

A Minoxidil-only treatment won't do anything to attack the cause of your thinning hair, DHT.