Dercos (Perifollicular fibrosis)

Red Rose

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A recent development from the famous L'Oreal laboratories in France is Dercos®, a trade name for a product that is available as a shampoo and in topical ampoules.

Dercos® contains a drug called Aminexil, which L'Oreal claim can reverse baldness.

Their researchers discovered that whether stress, genetics or hormonal changes are responsible for alopecia, the hair-loss is always accompanied by perifollicular fibrosis.

Perifollicular fibrosis is a condition that causes the collagen around the hair root to become rigid. Afterward, the collagen tightens and then pushes the root to the surface of the scalp causing premature hair-loss.

It is also possible that this same condition may also affect the appearance (and rapid disappearance) of new hair follicles as they can not be formed deep in the scalp (i.e. they have a shallow root).

L'Oreal's development of Dercos® (Aminexil) has been clinically shown to stop perifollicular fibrosis.

In a major yearlong study of 350 men and women, those who applied Dercos® to their scalps for eight weeks had significantly more hair regrowth than those using a placebo did.

As a result, and perhaps not surprisingly, since being made available recently as "over-the-counter status" in France and Germany, Dercos® is set to become a best seller for L'Oreal.

What do you guys think - anyone use it?


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I am using it as one of the 3-4 different shampoos that I rotate. I doubt that it does much for hair loss, but I like the way it makes my hair feel.