Derma Roller And Hair Transplants, Safe To Use?


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Hey Guys, Iam wondering if there might be any Problems using an 1.5mm Derma Roller when planing a Hair Transplant in 2 years.
I think it should have any negative effect like heavy scarring but I want to go save.



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I plan to start dermarolling to break up scar tissue and from all the research as well as other forums I've investigated, 1mm seems to be the ideal choice for dermarolling a hair transplant scar. Something that is deep enough to break up tissue and stimulate collagen, but not deep enough to leave you with a more disfigured scar instead of trying to correct the problem.

Also please do not go for anything less than a trichophytic closure. The scar will be there regardless of closure method but that closure seems to be the most superior. If your hair loss ISN'T extensive you could possibly go for FUE with a credible surgeon or even hang in there and wait as there is promise with these new methods to be a reality by 2020. Hope I helped!


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Sorry but this doesnt help. My question is related on regrowth.



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Sorry but this doesnt help. My question is related on regrowth.


I used a 1 mm dermaroller months before my transplant. My surgeon said that that has no effect at on on the results, check my post to see what you think of my results, im only 5 and a half months in so i should have more growth in the next 6 to 8 months.

BTW ive had hairloss since 19 and im 23 now. Ive gone through a sh*t ton of stress getting my bachelors degree in bio and working at the same time, if youre balding itll happen fast if it starts early. IDK, if youre on finasteride or not but get on that soon, thats the best treatment and unfortunately i did everything else before that. If u have any questions feel free to DM me, my hairloss was pretty significant before i had a transplant and added finasteride.


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Thanks for your answer it helps me quite a lot. ALso started loosing hair in a very young state and since 4 Monts Iam on treatmens now, Since I am on treatments Hair Loss stopped completly which doesnt mean I am on a very high scale.

But I guess there is hope because their still a bit of weak hair on my top spots and my side a quite high also have a god hair skin contrast, so there is hope to get a hair transplant with a top doctor and a conversavite Hair Line:

If I could grow back a bit with Derma+minoxidil+finasteride I would be very happy
All best to you!


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Thanks for your answer it helps me quite a lot. ALso started loosing hair in a very young state and since 4 Monts Iam on treatmens now, Since I am on treatments Hair Loss stopped completly which doesnt mean I am on a very high scale.

But I guess there is hope because their still a bit of weak hair on my top spots and my side a quite high also have a god hair skin contrast, so there is hope to get a hair transplant with a top doctor and a conversavite Hair Line:

If I could grow back a bit with Derma+minoxidil+finasteride I would be very happy
All best to you!

theres deffinetly hope for you my friend, just stay consistent. you can barely tell youre even losing density, do the BIG 3 and you will be set. i only needed the transplant because its usually very hard to get any regrowth in the frontal hairline. Most treatments work best on the crown ... if you like my results i can definitely give you my surgeons name. He is an FUT surgeon, again if you go by my results im only in month 5 and a half so i should get a little more dense ...

my surgeon has a youtube channel with a ton of videos and results. Even if my results didnt get any better right now id still consider it a successful procedure, coming from what i was 6 months ago ...

im actually going through a pretty bad shed my self right now and im planning on seeing my surgeon soon


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Hey Thanks a lot but i have my 2 Top surgeons Hasson and Wong and also Hattingen Hair in mind.

Lets see if i can Grow something back but the Hairline died 6 years ago just hoping for the Crown.

All best to you


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Hey Thanks a lot but i have my 2 Top surgeons Hasson and Wong and also Hattingen Hair in mind.

Lets see if i can Grow something back but the Hairline died 6 years ago just hoping for the Crown.

All best to you

hasson and wong is good ive seen some of his results. Best of luck to you


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Apologies to bump old thread, but does anybody have experience with detmarolling after a hair transplant? My surgeon today gave me one and told mevto start 1 month postbop. 0.5mm for 20secs daily, just don't want to mess up my new growth from transplant but the Doctor recommended it.