Dermaroller Alternatives Dermapen / Dermastamp


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Hey everyone,

I recently tried to start dermarolling, I bought a 1.5mm 540 needles dermaroller from amazon. I find the dermaroller extremely inconvenient to use because I have long hair (to hide the fact that I'm balding) and painful.

I've been looking into the dermapen and dermastamp options which are supposedly less painful and easier to use.

I've been trying to find decent ones on amazon etc but am struggling to find any.

Can someone recommend any?

P.S I found a few dermapens but at ridiculous prices..


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Are you wetting your hair before dermarolling? i have long thick hair and never had any problems with it when i was using minoxidil, the pain wasn't uncomfortable at all either, you are only rolling to increase absorption not wound, so go as light as you can with a 1.5mm, i was using 2mm. As for dermastamps, ebay is your best bet.


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Are you wetting your hair before dermarolling? i have long thick hair and never had any problems with it when i was using minoxidil, the pain wasn't uncomfortable at all either, you are only rolling to increase absorption not wound, so go as light as you can with a 1.5mm, i was using 2mm. As for dermastamps, ebay is your best bet.

Would you say using a Dermastamp was better than a dermaroller? Easier, less painful?

Also if you're using a 1.5mm dermaroller why would you use a 2mm dermastamp and not a 1.5mm dermastamp


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Would you say using a Dermastamp was better than a dermaroller? Easier, less painful?

Also if you're using a 1.5mm dermaroller why would you use a 2mm dermastamp and not a 1.5mm dermastamp

No i was using 2mm dermaroller, i had a stamp but i found the roller to be better for me personally. I found the pain to be slightly worse with the stamp as it penetrated the skin deeper, if you are intending to just use to increase absorption and not wound then i would recommend the roller over the stamp. I do use a stamp for my forehead lines and i believe it's better than the roller for that, but for my scalp i would choose the roller.


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No i was using 2mm dermaroller, i had a stamp but i found the roller to be better for me personally. I found the pain to be slightly worse with the stamp as it penetrated the skin deeper, if you are intending to just use to increase absorption and not wound then i would recommend the roller over the stamp. I do use a stamp for my forehead lines and i believe it's better than the roller for that, but for my scalp i would choose the roller.

How easy is to use the derma stamp on the scalp? The roller for me just hurts, hard to use and takes forever as I have to keep parting my hair.