Dermarolling For Nearly 4 Months, No Improvement.


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So, is it worth carrying on at this stage? I've read I really should see at least some improvement by now however if anything my hair looks worse then when I started! I have been taking finasteride for a few years which worked but the bloody dermapen has set me backwards!

FYI, I'm using a 12 pin. I started off using 0.5 but swiftly moved up to 1mm then 1.5. I'm currently using the 1.5 every 7-10 days. I try not to press too hard but I do it until my scalp is red with a little blood.

Chronic Tronic

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How is your health? What other treatments are in your regimen aside from the dermapen and the drugs?

It is my understanding that microneedling isn't an end-all be-all treatment or cure. It's just used as leverage to assist in the process of how your body generates new stem cells. It sort of just helps your body speed up the process of what it would otherwise be doing anyway. However it is essential for your body to be in the optimum condition if you really want to reap the benefits of microneedling.

Be sure you are getting all of the necessary vital nutrients your body needs from your diet to help your body in the process of repair and cellular regeneration. And if not, then supplement accordingly in the areas you are lacking. Trace minerals are also important.

Also be sure you are getting adequate sleep, as sleep is the time when your body repairs the most. Water and oxygen are also very important. Make sure you are breathing a lot of fresh air and getting your body moving with at least a little exercise, and plenty of good quality water. Most importantly you should be conscious of your stress levels as stress is a major facor in hindering your body's ability to repair itself. Make sure you spend a lot of time relaxing and being calm and limit the amount of time you spend worrying and stressing out about things. Hope this helps, good luck!


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How is your health? What other treatments are in your regimen aside from the dermapen and the drugs?

It is my understanding that microneedling isn't an end-all be-all treatment or cure. It's just used as leverage to assist in the process of how your body generates new stem cells. It sort of just helps your body speed up the process of what it would otherwise be doing anyway. However it is essential for your body to be in the optimum condition if you really want to reap the benefits of microneedling.

Be sure you are getting all of the necessary vital nutrients your body needs from your diet to help your body in the process of repair and cellular regeneration. And if not, then supplement accordingly in the areas you are lacking. Trace minerals are also important.

Also be sure you are getting adequate sleep, as sleep is the time when your body repairs the most. Water and oxygen are also very important. Make sure you are breathing a lot of fresh air and getting your body moving with at least a little exercise, and plenty of good quality water. Most importantly you should be conscious of your stress levels as stress is a major facor in hindering your body's ability to repair itself. Make sure you spend a lot of time relaxing and being calm and limit the amount of time you spend worrying and stressing out about things. Hope this helps, good luck!

Apart from the finasteride and the dermapen I use a keto shampoo and take some vitamin tablets for hair. My health is generally good. I had a full health mot at the doctors recently (blood pressure, weight, blood tests ect) and everything came back normal. I run once or twice a week, I try to eat healthily although maybe I could eat more (I'm mindful of overeating as I put weight on very easily). One thing I will say is I suffer from insomnia and recently I havn't slept well at all.

Tbh, I wasn't expecting to miraculously regrow a full head of hair from the dermapen but I wasn't expecting it to my hair to look worse either! It's a bit frustrating. Thanks for the advice though!

Chronic Tronic

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Yea ive been using a dermapen for about 4 months now with not much results.. my health is bad tho and i have poor sleep.

Your body needs a shitload of vitamins and nutrients to repair broken hair follicles as its like the lowest priority. your body sacrifices hair to accomodate for other things it needs, like working organs.


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I think you are missing the point if you dermaroll without minoxidil. Basically dermarolling forces your body to regenerate and minoxidil is the trigger that tells him to create new follicle during this regeneration. But that's my opinion