Dermastamp Vs Dermarolling - 1mm Vs 1,5 Vs 2 ? (repost)


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Hey !

The question is simple, what would be the best choice for you ?

And how to use it effectively ? (newbie) You basically stamp one or two times everywhere on scalp where there's hair loss ?

One time a week or more/less ?

Thanks !!!


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Im not sure. Dermastamping looks like it would take ages to do it all over your scalp. Dermaroller is faster, but more reckless, creates more damage. Im not sure whats better, never did any of that.


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you will have different answers! people use it every week, every days.. etc..0,5 , 1mm, 2mm...but study says 1.5.
In my case I use 1.5 dermastamp for 1st third of my scalp (part I can easily see in front of a mirror) I press 8 times. and the rest of the scalp(middle scap/crown) I use 1.5 dermaroller 8times in all 4 directions. once every other week. Can't say how effective it is but we know it's useful according to differents studies (wounding). you will get the most of it with wounding+topical. but dermaroller on its own can't hurt if done properly(desinfection, use..) and it only takes 5 min for a session when you get used to it...



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you will have different answers! people use it every week, every days.. etc..0,5 , 1mm, 2mm...but study says 1.5.
In my case I use 1.5 dermastamp for 1st third of my scalp (part I can easily see in front of a mirror) I press 8 times. and the rest of the scalp(middle scap/crown) I use 1.5 dermaroller 8times in all 4 directions. once every other week. Can't say how effective it is but we know it's useful according to differents studies (wounding). you will get the most of it with wounding+topical. but dermaroller on its own can't hurt if done properly(desinfection, use..) and it only takes 5 min for a session when you get used to it...

View attachment 87027
Thank you, very informative. :)

I bought a dermapen with 1.5mm needles, so do you recommend pressing it on the same spot 8 times then move it and repeat? Should you apply a lot of pressure? How do you clean it?