Dermatologists(specialists in hair) in Syndey Australia???


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Ive just figured out im going bald, im not sure how long this has been happening, because ive never really taken notice before and in all my photo's ive had a long fringe... so it's impossible to tell.

Anyway, ive been doing some research on the net, nad have decided that it would be best to see a dermatologist to get some help. Does anyone know of some dermatologists in Sydney, Australia that have experiance in this field?

if possible could you please provide.



contact number:

Your experiance(if any) with the dermatologist:

As you could probably guess i dont mind traveling a great distance to see a good one, so even if they are outside sydney, please post away

P.S thanx for your help, it's greatly appreciated, oh and Nature can go and f*** themselfs coz im not gonna go bald yet!


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From my experience the only thing to do is get a GP referral to a standard Dermotologist.

As you would expect the Dermo's specialise not just in hair but in skin etc aswell, so any old oe would be able to help you/give you advice.

As i have said in your other post I wouldnt recommend seeing a 'hair loss specialist' as believe me as trusting and as helpful as they may seem they have their own agenda and it usually involves you giving them money for their advice.

I don't mean to sound bitter or cynical, but after seeing a "Trichologist" as they like to call themselves ( hair loss specialist/con artists who think if they put '..ologist' at the end of their title to make you think they are professionals) who seemed legit, you just realise that they just want to sell you stuff or do laser treatment on your head for some reason.

All they need to is prescribe propecia ( which they cannot, only certified dermo's or GP's can) or recommend minoxidil, which you can get yourself.

So, my advice...just get a referral from a GP to a standard Dermotolgist, or you could ask your GP if he/she knows of a specific Dermo who would be more useful when it comes to talking about hair loss.

There isnt much they can do, other than a scalp biopsy ( i never had one done and i dont know how useful they are)...But they would be able to examine your scalp, ask your symptoms and consider whether or not you are loosing your hair.

I don't know of any Dermotologist to recommend, all i can suggest is just get a referral from a GP.

The first dermo i saw said i wasnt loosing my hair, the "trichologist" i saw said the same thing. But i was, and am and am now trying to prevent it. So you may get good advice or bad, but they can only really give is hard to diagnose if you are just in the early stages.

In the end..after all your searching, you will most likely discover the answer simply is Finasteride and Nizoral.

good luck I hope this helps. :)


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I've thought about the same thing but ended up going to my GP. He was alright and adviced me pretty well. I think that here in Australia you have to go and see an endocrinolgist (Hormone doctor) my doctor told me.

As long as you stay away from Advanced Hair Studio and Ashley & Martin (running ads on TV) your GP should do the job.

if I were you I would go to the doctor get him to check out your hair and get on finasteride and Nizoral ASAP. I agree with you here Zurealguy.