I discovered Dermmatch a couple of years ago, and posted what a miracle it was. In fact, that's why I haven't posted here in so long, Dermmatch basically "solved" my hair loss probs. True, it is only a concealer, but it was honestly not noticeable, IF APPLIED CORRECTLY. I even gave my wallet a break, and reduced my Dr. Lee Xandrox orders because of it. I just went to reg. old generic minoxidil and Proscar (with the Dermmatch, of course) for a couple of years. The DM does have to be washed off before applying the minoxidil, but if you have a reg. routine of showering before/after work, etc., it's not a problem. After a while, you learn to apply this stuff in five minutes. I'm now going to mix in a little of Dr. Lee's Xandrox, 12.5%, and spironolactone. (my old routine), b/c I think I've lost a little ground with just using plain minoxidil. But, I would be willing to bet no one else would know it b/c of the DM. In fact, after using this stuff, I get comments from people at work that I'm one of those guys with "good" hair. And this is with using DM for my moderate to severe FRONTAL thinning. Sorry for the long post.