phillips said:
Thanks for the reply, that link was exactly what I'm after, still yet to make my purchase, am probably going to have to do a trial and error type thing. My situation is I'm not on the Norwood charts, but have really bad diffuse thinning all over and would like something that gives a thicker look. My hair is at about an inch and a half in length, judging by your review Kerasome could be my best bet??
Thanks again mate.
No problem.
It really depends on how bad your diffuse thinning is. I have diffuse thinning on top near the front of my head, and Toppik works good for that, so you might want to try that or Hairsoreal first(Hairsoreal is cheaper for trying and if it works for you it will last a long time, as long as you don't use a ton. If your scalp looks like you painted it or like someone has just dumped a gallon of sawdust on your head, you've used too much).
Kerasome could help too, but it is pretty expensive. And remember, that I used that in conjunction with Dermatch, and not as a stand-along product.
You could try Dermatch, and use it like Kerasome by putting only on your hair and not your scalp, as I and some others here have tried. Or you could put it on both. Dermatch is relatively inexpensive, and those containers last a very long time.
Or you could try the Dermatch and sprinkle-on concealer combination as Sorue suggested. I've done that as well.
For diffuse thinning, I would think a sprinkle-on might be enough. Again, it depends on how bad your thinning really is.
But like you said, it is kind of trial and error. You have to find what works right for you and your situation.