I've been using dermmatch during the last month. I've reached the conclusion that it works best for me by applying it with the damp applicator on dry hair. Then, since my hair is wavy, I style it with my hands. The problem is that dermmatch gets under my fingernails and I am having great trouble to remove it! I bought one of those nail cleaning brushed but it doesn't work. Is there any good product that easily dissolves dermmatch?
Thanks for your help!
I've been using dermmatch during the last month. I've reached the conclusion that it works best for me by applying it with the damp applicator on dry hair. Then, since my hair is wavy, I style it with my hands. The problem is that dermmatch gets under my fingernails and I am having great trouble to remove it! I bought one of those nail cleaning brushed but it doesn't work. Is there any good product that easily dissolves dermmatch?
Thanks for your help!