The study in this blog posting has been discussed numerous times in the past.
For starters, these rats were given (IIRC) 50 x the dose a human receives, adjusted for body weight. Finasteride is believed to have a flat dose response, meaning any dosage of the medication will achieve the same pharmaceutical effect. However, I don’t believe dosages this high have been studied on humans, and nobody knows what effects it might have. I feel this fact alone invalidates this study.
The second problem is animal studies cannot be applicable to humans. You can’t observe these findings in rats, and then assume this is happening to humans as well. It’s just not done. Animal studies are used as a preliminary study tool for new medications to observe significant side effects. I am no expert on rats, but I believe their penis functions differently than humans. For starters, they have a sort of ‘locking’ mechanism that hooks the penis into the female rat vagina during coitus. This is very different from how the human penis functions, and DHT may play a more crucial role in maintaining these tissues. However, as I said, I am no expert in physiology and possible someone well versed in this subject could elaborate.
If you would like an example of this, do some reading up on the infamous Asparatame Ramazzini studies done on rats.
I have been on Finasteride for over a year now. I am a typical guy, and I’ve measured my dick. My girlfriend has even measured my dick! Both lengthwise and width, to a precise degree, my penis (while erect) is the exact same size it was 2 years ago, to the millimetre.
If people believe these animal studies should be applied to humans as well, then every man who takes Finasteride would experience quite significant penile shrinkage. I know this isn’t the case for me, and it isn’t the case for almost every other person that has taken the drug. Additionally, penile shrinkage has not been observed in any human study of finasteride that I’ve seen. I would think men would notice this happening and report it to their doctors.
All that being said, nobody really understands why Finasteride affects libido and erectile function in some men. It is entirely possible that it is in fact damaging penile tissue in some men to the degree that sexual function is affected. Studies like these are good because they necessitate further human testing.