devastating affects of regaine. With pictures


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So Ive been on propecia for 6.5 months, started regaine 2 x daily 5% 23 days ago. Im shedding about 200-300 a day non stop since I started regaine, picture of me 3 weeks ago, not to bad. Picture of me today. WTF regaine = :jackit:

let me know your thoughts and if anyone went through it this bad and saw light at the end of the tunnel


  • hair 003.jpg
    hair 003.jpg
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  • hair 004.jpg
    hair 004.jpg
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a) can't see the difference

b) one looks wet when one looks dry

Chill brah, it may be a shed but it's not a noticeable one


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.both dry, 3 weeks ago had product in. .the way i see it, it was a thick line of center parting 3 weeks ago, now a huge whole, i want to cry,if it carrys on shedding like it is there will be nothing left!!!! I really hope this grows back


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From my understanding, the shed means it is working. Also, having had a shed, then stopped myself (heart/blood pressure irregularities) it does grow back to about the same as before. Hope this helps.


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You are think it is worse than it really is... It dont look too bad yet and the hairs you lost shall grow back even strogner so hang in there.


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There is definitely a difference between those two photos. I hope it comes back for you.

Theoretically, those follicles for the hair you lost are in synch with one another and will grow back when they enter the growth phase (anagen) again; if my understanding of the science is correct. However, I say "theoretically" because i'm going through the same thing and my confidence in the treatment is a bit shaken at the moment. I have a hard time believing what i lost will grow back. I've read many user accounts of the big three and almost all of them report ups and downs during the treatment. The key, so they say, is persistence. It's what i'm banking on - if it turns out not to be true, well then I'm kinda screwecd :dunno:


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yeah, it is supposed to shed after several weeks of use but be strong and you'll see your hair growing back soon


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ok thanks for the replys, i will persist and carry on, another 200 hairs in the shower this morning!!! :dunno:
what do you mean the hairs i lost are in synch with each other?
and when would these grow back roughly????


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Dude, calm down. I see the difference. The shedding is normal....and a GOOD thing!

I went through the same thing in the exact same manner kind of. Same amount of hair roughly and the same timing. My hair is growing back, they are much shorter than the others but they are coming strong. It's not miraculous regrowth or anything but it is something and I am happy.

Stay on it for a few weeks more and you will most likely start to see regrowth and then it will get fuller with time.



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alright alright im calming im calming! ok cheers man i sure do hope so!
I'll post another picture at the end of the month, then a month after.


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fightingalltheway said:
ok thanks for the replys, i will persist and carry on, another 200 hairs in the shower this morning!!! :dunno:
what do you mean the hairs i lost are in synch with each other?
and when would these grow back roughly????

I'm talking about synchronization of the hair cycle. You have many hairs on your head which are in various stages of the hair growth cycle. Some are in anagen (growth), some resting (telogen) and others regressing (catagen). When you add a growth stimulant to the hairs it kind of pushes the hairs out of resting phase into growth. and likewise, some hairs that were in catagen phase are pushed into telogen, which is the root cause of shedding. Those hairs pushed into telogen will take time to come back into a anagen or growth phase.

The "theory", i'm not sure there is any scientific evidence to prove it (so maybe it's hypothetical), is that the cycles of the telogen and catagen hairs become synched up due to the stimulant. So, much to the dismay of the treatment subject, they all shed at the same time. Catagen lasts about 1-2 weeks and the telogen phase can last up to 6 weeks. So, you might expect to see those hairs come back all at once, anywhere from 4-8 weeks, or possibly longer, from the time of the shed.

take this all with a grain of salt, as i'm not sure how accurate my understanding of the science is or whether even the "science" is anything more than educated speculation.


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give it time dude. 23 day in your supposed to be shedding. I started minoxidil years ago and i shed like a cat for a good 3 months. Then it just stopped and i regrew lost hair and my hair was better.

trust me...ride it out. do not drop the treatment. but dont pay attention to hairs in the shower etc. i know its hard but make a pact to yourself not to do it. just live your life for the next 4 months and take it from there.


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Yeah, please keep us updated with photos of your progress.
I'm thinking of using rogaine as well, but scared of the shed..


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no worries i''l keep updating with photo's every 2 the meantime i'll keep shedding and hiding it with a liam gallagher hairstyle!! ha
how much affect did a 3 month shed have on your hair blaze?


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I'd like to know whether any experienced users (i.e longer than a year) have experienced more than one shed. and if so, did subsequent sheds grow back as well as the first?


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i thought with the amount of hair coming out i should have been considerably worse than I was. But hairloss is deceptive. We forget how much hair we actually have and when we see say 100-200+ everyday we freak out and think we will be bald very soon. But it doesnt seem to happen that way when on treatments.

I only went through that 1 initial shed, then my hair just stopped falling out.


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The shedding is really not that bad. If I look at the pictures with a good eye I can see, yeah it's thinner kinda. But if I don't know you I don't really care or give a damn.

People should just use the stuff and get the shedding phase over with. My regrowth was definitely worth the slightly crappier hair I had for a month or so.

You have SLIGHTLY worse hair for one month then you have decent better hair for a much longer time, think about it logically.


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yup dont worry, even I too had a recent shed and it makes things look worser but then u adjust and it gets better.

Id recommend you get a hair cut though nice and short is the best route, makes applying anything 10x easier and your hair can be thicker/more easier too manage.


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The lighting is much stronger in the first picture. That is the only real difference between now and three weeks ago.