DHI in London


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Bad :thumbdown2:


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Oh god, really. Care to enlighten me or PM me.
Have consultation with them. A recommendation.
That bad huh?


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Well known for getting very low growth yields. You need to go to a big name surgeon not the types that advertise in the back of glossy magazines. Generally speaking the best surgeons dont need to advertise those that do are nearly always amatuers looking to attract the uneducated.
Looks like you need to do plenty of research on here (and other hairloss sites) before you start arranging consultations.


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Meaning it didn't grow properly?

I was just told a friend of mine's friend used them and all be it only had the front done, just at the receding sides, was happy with results. But I'd need more than that so if there are any great ones in London area, I'm all ears?


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As far as I'm aware there are only two surgeons working in London who have repeatedly excellent results, Dr. Rogers (who I've had two procedures with) and Dr. Farjo who I had a consult with and have some friends who have had very good outcomes.

If you are in the market for a typical hair transplant then they will certainly give you great results; if however you require a "mega-session" in a single sitting then you will also want to consider a clinic in North America.

You can find detailed before, during and after images in the link below (in my sig).


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Do some research, I could point you in the right direction but I dont want to be accused of being a shill. Needless to say there is no one in 'the London area' you need to understand that there are just handful of elite surgeons in the whole world and none of them are near you.
But seriously this is not something you should go into without educating yourself completley on. Going local is the biggest mistake anyone makes with hair transplant's you need to get it right first time. And 1 persons recommendation is'nt enough.
All the info is on here spend some time reading through the threads on here and you'll see the same 'big names' being praised again and again by dozens of different posters.


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GeminiX said:
As far as I'm aware there are only two surgeons working in London who have repeatedly excellent results, Dr. Rogers (who I've had two procedures with) and Dr. Farjo who I had a consult with and have some friends who have had very good outcomes.

If you are in the market for a typical hair transplant then they will certainly give you great results; if however you require a "mega-session" in a single sitting then you will also want to consider a clinic in North America.

You can find detailed before, during and after images in the link below (in my sig).

Thanks, America isn't an option... unfortunately.... I have looked at your story previously but was under the impression Dr Rogers was not London based?
Dr Farjo, Duncan Bannantyne etc... Barry from Eastenders? Wasn't mega impressed with either of those results. mine is more diffuse than direct areas though.


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s.a.f said:
Do some research, I could point you in the right direction but I dont want to be accused of being a shill. Needless to say there is no one in 'the London area' you need to understand that there are just handful of elite surgeons in the whole world and none of them are near you.
But seriously this is not something you should go into without educating yourself completley on. Going local is the biggest mistake anyone makes with hair transplant's you need to get it right first time. And 1 persons recommendation is'nt enough.
All the info is on here spend some time reading through the threads on here and you'll see the same 'big names' being praised again and again by dozens of different posters.

I know what you're saying, but it's just a scary thing whatever. Nobody wants to make their hair even worse than it already is. You look at people in the media and think... someone like Jason Gardiner on This Morning and it just looks like he has a carpet on his head, but hey, he's happy! The only decent one I saw was James Nesbitt. The Irish actor who had it done in Ireland. Is that surgeon known on here much?


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Esprit said:
Thanks, America isn't an option... unfortunately.... I have looked at your story previously but was under the impression Dr Rogers was not London based?
Dr Farjo, Duncan Bannantyne etc... Barry from Eastenders? Wasn't mega impressed with either of those results. mine is more diffuse than direct areas though.

Dr. Rogers is Stratford/Rugby based but also has a clinic in London for clients who don't want to travel far; he's done around 4,500 procedures for people from all over the world now.

I know what you mean about some of Dr. Farjo's work, and it's why I didn't chose him myself but it's worth remembering that the amount of grafts makes a huge difference as well as how much hair is there to begin with.

It is important to pick your surgeon carefully, though no-where near as important as it was and fortunately there seem to be almost no "butcher jobs" these days, in fact don't think I've seen one for a while (though sadly a lot of die-hards still like to regurgitate the myth that all UK surgeons are butchers).

I've had two procedures with Dr. Rogers now and I honestly don't think I've seen a better result from any surgeon anywhere in the world; it's really nice to get constant complements about my hair :)

P.S. I'm not a shill either, however I make no apology for supporting Dr. Rogers. In a nutshell, he gave me density and a hairline that some of the so-called "elite" American surgeons told me was not possible. There are so many mis-truths and downright lies spread by sheep on these forums and most of the people spreading them have never even spoken with a patient of his, let alone be able to pass judgement on his work.


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Apprieciated, thanks.......

I think most believe that it's the bald spots that are the only thing you can get away with, but some of the 'density' jobs I've seen are very good. Rob Rydon didn't get his crown done, but his front is now very thick, no idea who did his, but it was very good, compared to others I've seen.. If they're thickening up in regions which are still thinning, how do you keep the old hair amongst it?

Is it the (forgive my ignorance) strips or the FUE? Is that the one that doesn't leave scars because it's not strips?

El Nino

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Esprit said:
Apprieciated, thanks.......

I think most believe that it's the bald spots that are the only thing you can get away with, but some of the 'density' jobs I've seen are very good. Rob Rydon didn't get his crown done, but his front is now very thick, no idea who did his, but it was very good, compared to others I've seen.. If they're thickening up in regions which are still thinning, how do you keep the old hair amongst it?

Is it the (forgive my ignorance) strips or the FUE? Is that the one that doesn't leave scars because it's not strips?

Hi Esprit,

Please be aware that no surgical procedure will leave you scar free. This is a fact, every time skin is cut it will leave a scar.

I would also be wary of judging people's hair transplants from the TV where most likely they are also wearing concealer. I would love to see some celebs hair transplants when they have come straight out the shower.

Hope this helps.


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As El Nino says, I believe all hair transplant procedures will scar, though strip tends to be worse.

I *think* most people also go onto finasteride or dutasteride with a hair transplant to stop or slow down further loss.

Also, when you're blending hair into existing hairs then that is when it is most important to go to a very well proven surgeon as that is somewhat more advanced than simply filling in a large bald area.

One of the reasons I had my procedures done in stages was because of density. There is a limit to how small the surgeon can pack incisions together, too close and there is a very high risk of not being able to close the incisions and the scalp tearing between grafts. Combine that with working between existing hairs and you can imagine why mega-sessions are not great ideas when your working with existing hair.


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All hair transplant's leave evidence behind, but you cant compare strip to FUE. Strip is pretty barbaric whilst FUE is in comparison a breeze.
And yes most celebrity hair transplant patients also use concealers to enhance the results but it just goes to show that using both a miraculous transformation is possible. I myself would be lost without adding Nanogen to my hair transplant hair.


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SAF speaks the truth about concealers, I used Nanogen for many years when I decided to treat my hair-loss and it truly worked miracles.

Actually, I might order some and give it a try to see what it does to relatively thick hair, it would make for some interesting comparison photos.


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Thanks for your input people, I have very little info about it. I thought FUE didn't leave scarring, but obviously that's the one to go for in comparison to strips..
Just getting really fed up with Derm and Nano at the moment, and not having great results with it really. Derm just shines the parts it covers, and Nano is sitting on scalp and then hair above, if you look from the side, if that makes sense??