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Hi guys,

Does anyone here know anything about DHI procedure?

If you had any experiences with it or maybe know someone who had, please post post your opinions here.

Thank you.

This is their website:





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Sorry bud their well known for getting very poor growth rates.


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Sorry, but I met a guy who undergone DHI procedure and it looks amazing. Looks 100% natural even though he hasnt restored his hair full density. Has anyone else had experience with DHI? It seems that they are less active in the USA...


Senior Member
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Who was the guy one of their salesman?
Noone from the U.S with its top surgeons is going to go to DHI, you dont have to believe me but in my years on the forums all I've ever met as far as DHI is concerned are unhappy customers looking for someone to fix their hair transplant.


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DHI are sh*t, do more research and i'm sure you'll discover that for yourself.


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yes he is their salesman but i know the guy through a friend, and i know for sure that hes done his procedure at dhi. i did a liltle research on the internet but couldnt find anything from people who have actually undergone procedure at dhi. i have no reasons not to believe you, but i would really appreciate if you could direct me to the sources you found.


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Dannie said:
yes he is their salesman but i know the guy through a friend, and i know for sure that hes done his procedure at dhi. i did a liltle research on the internet but couldnt find anything from people who have actually undergone procedure at dhi. i have no reasons not to believe you, but i would really appreciate if you could direct me to the sources you found.
Yes you meet him through a friend, but if we get down to it he is a salesman... its his jobb to sell you this product...
But the choice is youres... i would take the warnings i get from the forum members that has been here... do better research.. dont go to the closest hair transplant clinic just because youre friend knows the salesman and he got a good result.
The salesperson for these clinics will always have had a good result....
i would ask around on other forums as well.. find proof that they actually know what they are doing.
But it seems they are a clinic that get mostly bad results after what ive read.


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Go on an English forum like stophairlossnow and you'll probably find some posters. But TBH I have'nt heard much about DHI for a few years, frankly I'm amazed that they're still in business.
I think their showcase guy was called Mike Hunt and he did get a good result but from everything I've seen he was the only one who ever did.