DHI ???


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I had all of my hair transplants at DHI and I agree with Ben (not in the wording but in the meaning). It is actually a FUE method but in my opinion more advanced, because they cut the graft and immediately tansplanted in the recipient area. This results to higher viability of the grafts as the stay less outside the skin. Another characteristic of the method is that they do not open holes in the recipient area prior to implantation but they use a special tool in which the place each graft and with this tool they implant the graft in the recipient area. BUT of course there are small scars (or dots) in the donor area as in every FUE method. In my first hair transplant back in 2006 they used a 0.95 mm extraction tool which left me some dots. In the rest of my hair transplants (after 2010) there, they used 0,7 and 0.8 mm tools which had amazing almost invisible result in my donor area.
You can see pictures of me (donor and recipient areas) here: http://imgur.com/a/hyVtt#0


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You are playing Russian Roulette if you have your hair transplant done at DHI. It's a hairmill with no one hair transplant surgeon with an established track record. They are excellent at marketing and pressure sales but crap at transplanting and after-care. Anyone considering them should do their research and check out the likes of Feller, Rahl and Shapiro. DHI? Avoid.


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Yes I have had personal expensive, emotional and disasterous experience with them. If you are happy with you experience then count yourself lucky, there have been few if any success hair transplant stories relating to DHI on any reputable website (DHI's own website does not count of course since it is biased and not independent). All I would say to someone considering a hair transplant is run a mile from the salesmen and women at DHI (you never actually get to have a proper consultation with the surgeon who will be carrying out the transplant save for a few minutes before you actually go ahead with it). DHI is in the same category as Bosley. They take your money and don't give a sh*t. There photos also never show grown-out results - even your hair is buzzed). Search for DHI testimonials on this and other websites such as Hair Restoration Network and you'll get a better idea of these bunch of Greek cowboys. That is all I will say on this subject in this thread.


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Hairforever said:
Yes I have had personal expensive, emotional and disasterous experience with them. If you are happy with you experience then count yourself lucky, there have been few if any success hair transplant stories relating to DHI on any reputable website (DHI's own website does not count of course since it is biased and not independent). All I would say to someone considering a hair transplant is run a mile from the salesmen and women at DHI (you never actually get to have a proper consultation with the surgeon who will be carrying out the transplant save for a few minutes before you actually go ahead with it). DHI is in the same category as Bosley. They take your money and don't give a sh*t. There photos also never show grown-out results - even your hair is buzzed). Search for DHI testimonials on this and other websites such as Hair Restoration Network and you'll get a better idea of these bunch of Greek cowboys. That is all I will say on this subject in this thread.

Ok... I have my result published in: http://imgur.com/a/hyVtt#0 Can we see your result from DHI... I really get mad with all of you people and I do not mean only the one who mention negative things for DHI without proofs but with all those who said negative for a Clinique or a doctor without proofs... PICTURES PLEASE... or "Bump" elsewhere...


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Hairforever said:
Yes I have had personal expensive, emotional and disasterous experience with them. If you are happy with you experience then count yourself lucky, there have been few if any success hair transplant stories relating to DHI on any reputable website (DHI's own website does not count of course since it is biased and not independent). All I would say to someone considering a hair transplant is run a mile from the salesmen and women at DHI (you never actually get to have a proper consultation with the surgeon who will be carrying out the transplant save for a few minutes before you actually go ahead with it). DHI is in the same category as Bosley. They take your money and don't give a sh*t. There photos also never show grown-out results - even your hair is buzzed). Search for DHI testimonials on this and other websites such as Hair Restoration Network and you'll get a better idea of these bunch of Greek cowboys. That is all I will say on this subject in this thread.

Would you mind sharing with us before and after photos ?


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Get off your soap box. Are you a DHI shill? Be grateful you had half-decent (far from great judging by your photos) results. I had atrocious results, I was conned and the afterservice was non-existent. So I have no intention of putting up photos and reliving the nightmare. Whether or not you respect my reasons matters not a jot to me.

My message to anyone considering DHI is don't. Run a mile. Go to a world- class named hair transplant surgeon in America or Belgium. Their names are widely available if you do your research on the major hairloss and hair transplant websites. Along the way you will discover many people who have had bad experience with the hair mill that is DHI - good at marketing, very bad at hair transplants.

Now that really is it from me on this thread.


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Man, what's wrong with you !! I am not from DHI . I was asking you nicely if you would put up photos to help us. If you don't want to, that's fine but don't accuse me!


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Don’t bother Skotya… just do your research as he also suggested but be very careful. Try to see real results (if possible with your own eyes) and do not pay attention to any of that kind of comments, no matter if they concern DHI or Hasson, or Bissanga, or Shapiro(s), or Feller or anyone else. I have seen plenty of nice jobs from many doctors and cliniques, and I believe that my case is one of them as well.