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DHT....This is a parent compound of a number of steroid reparations. The hormone itself is one, which occurs naturally in the body. DHT is responsible for several of the androgenic effects of testosterone like facial hair, genetic balding, and male reproductive organ development. It plays a major role in the building of skeletal muscles. A great percentage of endogenous and exogenous testosterone’s are converted to DHT in the system which many feel results in the actual anabolism of muscle tissue. Common side effects of DHT are acne and accelerated balding.

I have been using Propecia and noticed that, after a month or so of breaking out, my skin has cleared up A LOT! I will get a zit here or there but I do believe that this could be a sign that DHT is being limited in my system, since it plays a role in acne. Anyone agree or disagree?

Tony Montana

JJ Gittes

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This is an interesting issue. Even though I'm fair skinned and have had mild acne my whole adult life, Propecia (3.5 years) didn't seem to help.

Nevertheless, after switching to dutasteride 40 days ago, I've clearly noticed an improvement in my acne, which was a particular problem in the last year of Propecia use.

When you say DHT results in the anabolism of muscle tissue, what then do you feel are the potential consequences for getting rid of DHT in the body with finasteride or dutasteride?


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Anabolism is the constructive metabolic process by which simple substances such as amino acids are converted into complex compounds of living matter such as muscle. Thus I would think that you would have to work out a little harder in order to obtain results from working out. Since the DHT may play part in energyzing the muscles. I could be wrong.....

Tony Montana


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gittes, i'm curious, are you using generic or regular brand of dutasteride.? i just started the generic brand 4 days ago. i've also suffered from adult acne, but mostly on my back. hope things will clear up, but i'm mainly hoping for regrowth.

JJ Gittes

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Ams99 said:
gittes, i'm curious, are you using generic or regular brand of dutasteride.? i just started the generic brand 4 days ago. i've also suffered from adult acne, but mostly on my back. hope things will clear up, but i'm mainly hoping for regrowth.

I'm using generic dutasteride from Dr. Reddy's. It's amazing: my skin hasn't looked this good in years. I hope it works this good on my hair.


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brasileirao said:
I have been using Propecia and noticed that, after a month or so of breaking out, my skin has cleared up A LOT! I will get a zit here or there but I do believe that this could be a sign that DHT is being limited in my system, since it plays a role in acne. Anyone agree or disagree?

It's probably just a coincidence. Finasteride was tested years ago, and found not to affect sebum production.


JJ Gittes

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Bryan said:
brasileirao said:
I have been using Propecia and noticed that, after a month or so of breaking out, my skin has cleared up A LOT! I will get a zit here or there but I do believe that this could be a sign that DHT is being limited in my system, since it plays a role in acne. Anyone agree or disagree?

It's probably just a coincidence. Finasteride was tested years ago, and found not to affect sebum production.


yes, but what about inhibition of both type 1 and 2?


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That could do the trick, although MK386 (a specific type 1 inhibitor) was recently found to be ineffective for acne.



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though i hate posting negative results...

my acne has worsened since starting finasteride..

into the 4th month and i still get persistant..resistant acne that is cystic and hence hormonal.

It has flared up since i started and at the moment doesnt seem to be getting any better, i never get acne on my back and have in the past month got 5 or 6 acne spot on my back.

The only thing that keeps the milder acne under 'control' is benzol peroxide face wash, which burns..but cystic acne still comes (under the ear, near glands).

I really hope it gets better soon, as it's so detrimental to self esteem.

I know for some people it helps acne and for some it hinders, and no one seems to be able to explain the science of why it makes some people's acne get worse.

But anyway...that's my 2 cents.


just out of interest what are you guys taking for your acne? I'm taking 100mg of minocin (Minocycline in the usa), i really want to get my acne under control but minocin is really doing little for me adn want to try some new medication, also is b5 meant to help?


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kenny19 said:
just out of interest what are you guys taking for your acne? I'm taking 100mg of minocin (Minocycline in the usa), i really want to get my acne under control but minocin is really doing little for me adn want to try some new medication, also is b5 meant to help?

I just wash my face with Neutragena Pore Refining Gel and use benzol peroxide 10%. The Benzol works so well its ridiculus, my face used to be oily now its more under control, maybe its the Propecia or maybe not. It is believed that after the age of 25 only 5% of males suffer from adult acne.

Tony Montana