dht and hair follicles does pregnancy help


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today they said that the dht would be blocking the hair follicles not letting the follicles grow hair so they said that they would give shampoo for free radical and then pills to block dht does anyone know if its worth it costs 1300 bugs i just wanted to wait and ask their customers then thought they might not like talking to me scared as its their privacy but really i wanted to talk to them and let u all know if its worth but im scared to ask anyone there .does anyone know about that.
does pregnancy help with hair loss any ideas


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Hi Rita,

I feel that whomever is trying to sell this to you is simply trying to profit from your desperation. There is no way that the drugs and vitamins that can be helpful in treating hair loss can cost $1300. The research is out there for all of us to partake of, and nothing I've seen costs this much. There are some possibly beneficial treatments, such as the laser comb, that cost a pretty penny...but unless they are selling you a year's + supply of this shampoo and vitamins, $1300 is too steep a price.

If you want to supplement your regimen, try adding a shampoo called Nizoral (ketoconazole), which is shown to help increase hair shaft diameter in clinical trials. For vitamins and minerals, you could try a multi-vitamin and saw palmetto, green tea, and zinc to block DHT. None of this will come CLOSE to $1300.

Out of curiosity, what is the name of the company that you spoke with?

Please, Rita, think carefully before you jump into a relationship with these people, I am very suspicious.


P.S. Pregnancy does help with hair loss, but the benefits can be fleeting.