DHT test?


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I was thinking about buying a DHT test to see my level of DHT in my body. But I don't know if it's important or the information that it give me will help me to know if my DHT is high. I seen a couple DHT test on sale on the internet. Also don't know if there real.


Senior Member
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You can have this test done by your primary care physician, although your biggest challenge wont be to find the value of the results, but to convince your doctor to have it run. That is, assuming you're in the USA where doctors dont like to run tests :)

The only real value a Testosterone, Free Testosterone, Estrogen, and DHT level test would have is to use as a baseline prior to going on Finasteride (Propecia) treatment. It can be used as a guide to track the effects it is having on your system and if US doctors weren't so incredibly difficult to deal with, I would make it a universal suggestion for all Propecia users. Problem is, as mentioned, you can't get a doctor to run a diagnostic test here in the states half the time, period.
