Diagnosed with Telogen Effluvium


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I am a 30-yr old female and I started noticing a lot of hair loss about 2 years ago. At first I didn’t think much of it because I have always had a lot of hair. When the hair loss just would not stop, I went to a dermatologist in April 2007. At first he prescribed some kind of ointment and it did nothing for me. He then said that I had telogen and he put me on 5% Rogaine (1 ml once a day). I started seeing little hairs grow on my head and the shedding seem to have lessened but I was getting a lot of facial hair (esp on my forehead and sides of my cheek). When I went back, he halved the dose and told me to apply the Rogaine to the back half of the top of my head. This seems to have lessened the facial hair but now I have been breaking out and getting tons of pimples on my face. He then prescribed an antibiotic Solodyn for pimples. The medicine seems to be helping the zits but the hair seems to be falling in great quantities again. Sorry this post is so long but I was wondering if anyone out there has had a similar experience? My derm says that the pimples were not as a result of the Rogaine.


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I suffer with this too and the only other hair i have noticed is around my temples. Definite dark hair there but since i have a long wig, it doesnt bother me. However since you mention it, i do have alot of light colour hair coming down my cheeks and under my chin. I wouldnt mind it so much if it wasnt so long (about half a cm). Until now i'd not thought that minoxidyl could be the cause

I did also develop a bit of dermatitis on my face. I got these weird spots around my nose and mouth that just didnt go away but didnt seem to be the normal kind of zit. The dr said i should stop using chemicals on my face and instead use natural things and it worked. Maybe thats due to minoxidyl too

I've tried the shampoo Pregaine, made by the people who make Regain but i've no idea if it helped or not.