Diagnosing male pattern baldness


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How would i find out if i have male pattern baldness?? I know ill need blood test done, but how do i get them, dont think my doctor has a clue. I live in the Uk??



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go and see a dermatologist, you can get a refferal from a normal doctor.......wiat go and see 3 or 4 different dermatologists because a 2nd opinon is always best. doctors can do skin biopsy to test dht levels in your head........


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As far as I've heard receeding temples are a pretty good indicator that you are loosing hair. Diffuse thinning could on the other hand be caused by other factors than genetics..


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there is no such diagnosis.

a guy could have dht levels in his head and still have all his hair.

a guy could have low dht levels in his head and be bald.

the only diagnosis is to look at it. if you are thinning, then you have male pattern baldness. if you are not thinning, you don't have male pattern baldness.

Molecular Help

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A receding hairline, caught early, could be just a developing mature hairline. Most men's hairlines move back a bit in their 20s or 30s. No treatment for this.

Check the back of your head with two mirrors for thinning at the crown- that's a dead giveaway. However that doesn't always occur, so it's only an indicator that you do have male pattern baldness, not a way to prove you don't.

Also check the hair behind your hairline- if it's thinning, that's an indicator you will recede farther.

Also, if the hair that comes out in the shower/comb/on your hands is often shorter, thinner, and lighter in colour than the rest of your hair, this is a sign of minataurization. This only occurs with male pattern baldness.

Just shedding what seems to be a lot of hair is not an indicator of male pattern baldness.

If you go to a doctor, you need to get refered to a dermatologist. A general practitioner is pretty useless, they don't seem to know much more than the average person about hair loss- if you catch it early they probably won't be able to tell. A dermatologist has a lot more experience and can do something called a hair pull test.

Good Luck.

And, most likely,
