Did any regrow hair WITHOUT big 3? I searched first!!


New Member
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So I've trolled thru this site, used the search functionality and can conclude AN EQUAL SPLIT of opinions that;

1. Big 3 works (Fenistride, Rogaine and Nizoral)
2. Big 3 does not work
3. Laser combs and herbs work (Amla, Saw Palmetto etc etc etc)
4. The above # 3 does not work.

Here is my question:

Has anyone on here re-grown their hair without the Big 3? If so, please share your experiment and please provide progress pics.

This would just sum up this entire section I hope :)


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zeroes said:
1 and 4 are correct for 99% of the people.

Laser combs are useless, but LLT on a more intense scale DOES work for most people...at least for a while...there is absolute proof of that...

I built my own LLT helmet with like 70 diodes...it worked great for a while...I got lazy because I thought I licked it and then my male pattern baldness got more aggressive and the lasers lost their potency for me...probably need higher powered lasers -- but I got sick and tired of sitting still for an hour three times a week...