Did my second consult - ???????


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Im terrified honestly. I am pretty impulsive and known for hasty decisions that end porrly. Im pretty much a Homer Simpson.

But I really did a TON of research and went on about 4 consults with different docs. I decided on the one I liked (pretty much the instant we talked) and went on a second consult with him. This time my GF joined me in it. Even she said he seemed SUPER meticulous.

Problem is he says I'm 34 and he can pretty much tell where my hair loss will end up (most of them have said this) and that my donor hair is great. But in my mind eye I am terrified of ending up with these wierd empty patches around my head after more hair keeps falling out. I know Ill need more in the future and this guy said I could even use my body hair as densifier since its so long and thick. He would not use it as anything but. In fact we were going to try some face and chest hair in some smaller areas to see how it took and looked for future use.

He would do a full 10+ hour day on me with the other doctor. He uses technicians for minor stuff only and prefers the two doctors do ALL the removal and insertion.

I want to jump in. Im thinking of scheduling this for Feb 12 (he only does them on mondays and weds the rest is consults and second day visits from patients) so I could take the 12, 13 and 14 off from work and have the next monday the 17th as a holiday.

Its a 2500$ deposit which is refundable as long as if I cancel its before 2 weeks prior, if a within 2 weeks its a 100$ fee or I can reschedule within a year for no penalty. Still only a 100$ fee is not awful.


My hairline kills me. Every day Im seeing more and more falling out. I tried shaving for a couple YEARS and I hate it. I see pics of me shaved and 1 in maybe 1000 come out "decent". Im just not attractive that way. Honestly its my self esteem and self confidence that shows through. I just dont feel "good".

My grandfather was like GONE on top. Very thin ring around the head. I see my pops and his is full on N7 but his donor areas still seems good and his top bald area in actually not huge and he's like nearing 60.
The Doctor said at 34 and the way he sees my hairline it doesn't seem like I will deal with the issues that paranoy me. This guy has been really honest.

Also I think my thinning and possible surgery would be a good one because EVERY consult I went on the guy wanted to put me in like right away. they were obsessed with the thickness of my donor areas. It was like they KNEW I would make great before and after pics so they didn't want to lose the opportunity.

He says him and the other doctor worry more about keeping a good reputation and making you look good the first time in so charging per graft is way to difficult. Both consults he said he would fill in the temple region and thinning front to rebuild the hairline and densify the crown area and any other thinning areas but I would have to shave down my head.

My sides to near zero and top to about an inch so they could see the direction of the hairs.

Anyway I know this is rambling but Im pretty worried. The entire surgery will be in the ballpark of 7K. This guy charges by the surgery not the grafts. Down the line he charges by graft for upkeep and maintenance and his per graft price is fair and on par with the others.

I use minoxidil and nizoral, supplements and started jumping on the dermaroll wagon but really the ONLY thing that will help me is a hair transplant the rest I will keep doing of course to maintain what I can but in the end its either this or baldness and honestly I would prefer to be either 100% secluded or in a box before baldness.... no offense to anyone but really you would have to feel this hard on it to go through with this.

Should I call and schedule this up?


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Honestly swing I am close to the same boat you are, You seem to consider everything, 7k for how many grafts min? How much hair will DR give me? I would wait a few months to see. are you and your girl good? or is she after your hair? a few questions I would consider
DR and minoxidil may work for you, 7k in cali wont get me crap and I would rather try treatments for a while


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Honestly swing I am close to the same boat you are, You seem to consider everything, 7k for how many grafts min? How much hair will DR give me? I would wait a few months to see. are you and your girl good? or is she after your hair? a few questions I would consider
DR and minoxidil may work for you, 7k in cali wont get me crap and I would rather try treatments for a while

Yeah Cali and CT are WAY different animals tho. Not in government lol but in price.

Plus Im going to Mass.

These guys said the procedure would be around 2500 to 3500 grafts but he said their first main procedure they charge a base price of the 7K After that their per graft price is the same as anyone else's. I went on like 5 consults from varying docs and Im telling you these guys just seemed the best. I got the best feeling in my gut, their costs seemed fair and they were probably the most straightforward and honest.

I KNOW its sounds awkward but when you actually sit there and listen to him it makes sense. But WHO KNOWS. I may walk out with ONE LONG hair sticking out of the top of my head.....

You never know. Every Doctor wants to show you before/after pics but never show you their horror stories.
Im finding it near IMPOSSIBLE to find any reviews anywhere because no guy wants to admit they had it done. Im telling you, IF this comes out good and Im happy I will be the SPOKESMAN for this stuff. I will make a T shirt announcing it to wear. To many guys are ashamed and it makes it tough for guys like me who want to get some info.

Me and the little lady are alright. Its more me than her though. She is def not with me for my hair lol.
As for treatments, Ive used minoxidil for years with no results. I honestly dont even think it keeps what I have. It thickens whats there (the foam does) but thats it.
I use Nizoral now but dont think thats helping either.
Doing the Rolling but still losing hair and think the couple guys who really think they are seeing results are getting swooned by the idea or just letting their hair grow lol.
Tried finasteride but had to stop due to sides, but that was probably the biggest help.

This is really my only option. If it wasn't for the fact my brother has a FULL head of hair he will never lose this wouldn't bother me as much but its depressing to watch yourself go prematurely grey and thin when your sibling who "supposedly" share the same genes have thick BLACK hair.
Their teeth suck but Id take dentures over bad hair any day of the week twice over.

I set my deposit and its set up for feb 12 at 7am.

Im staying the night there because they want their clients to come back the next morning for inspections, a wash and any corrections they may need to do.
Both docs say they will work as long as needed. They both remove and sort the hairs. They don't let techs do it, and they both work together on inserting them. They try to get as much done in one sitting for as much anesthesia they can legally allow into you.

Im at the point after dealing with dermarolling though that I would tell them keep going after the drugs wear off and just get it all done.

Trust me Im nervous as hell but as I explained to my GF its not about the money, Im nervous of forever competing with recession. That as soon as this is done the old hair around the new ones will just fall out overnight and Im back in the same boat.


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hairloss is a b**ch, like I said in the other thread for a scarless 16k graft session that has a great chance of regeneration I would refi my house, honestly even 100k like someone mentioned would be worth it for a permanent head of hair, I would live longer without the anxiety that's for sure


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hairloss is a b**ch, like I said in the other thread for a scarless 16k graft session that has a great chance of regeneration I would refi my house, honestly even 100k like someone mentioned would be worth it for a permanent head of hair, I would live longer without the anxiety that's for sure

or just find something else you dont like.

We always have to wonder as well if we are just neurotic sociopathic people and would ever be happy.

Im just tired of complaining and want to say I tried. Also if this regeneration pilovic come abound then whats to say I cant have my donors areas regrown.
I think certain guys are just so happy whining and being depressed/fear any change that they would try to convince you not to try something.

Im at a stage where I think my hair loss will stabalize again a few years.
If my body hair takes well in a transplant then I will basically feel comfortable in always having some density.
Scarring is not a major issue with FUE because unless I still end up N7 (which I shouldnt with hair transplant's) I will never be shaving my head again.