Diet and hair loss


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Does anyone have any advice or knowledge about the effect of diet on hair loss ? What kind of eating habits would contribute to hair loss ? Are there any foods that are "pro-hair" ? Any advice would be appreciated.



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Iron and Vitamen C (Vit. C helps contribute the iron)

Iron can be found in Fish, shrimp, crabs, Beef and chicken, turkey
these foods are also high in protien

Dieting DOES cause hairloss, if your on a daily diet consisting of less than 1,200 calories, you will lose hair, be sure to take a multi vitamen when you diet

diet above 1200 calories, take vitamens and lotsa protien

I made the fatal mistake and now Im losing alot of hair


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Besides taking a multivitamin, is there anything else I can do if I'm on a 1200 calories per day diet?


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do they know the protein cause the hair loss, or did they notice a trend among steroid users who happen to have high protein diets, or people who eat a lot of hormone grown meat?

I eat a lot of protein, but it comes from beans, and a little fish, and oatmeal and broccoli. Could that protein cause hair loss.

I read that arginine fights hair loss if you get enough, and it has to be from plants, not meats, because you need the right ratio.


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I'm not sure Im hoping someone can enlighten us...I know Dr. Rassman has stated a high protein diet can be detrimental to hair...

also I've been a big weightlifter for the past several years and my protein intake has been thru the roof the past couple of years as well...this period in time has coincided with rapid male pattern baldness for me...take it for what its worth, but just know that I'm cutting down some protein from my diet


i'm sorry but i don't buy it. protein is essential for healthy hair. I mean, hair is made of proteins.


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Wow...I am taking lot of Whey protien right now...I really dont see any difference in shedding or anything..


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I don't think your body can absorb more than 30g in 3 hours. so any more than that can't affect your hair if it is not absorbed. in 15 hours, that is only 150g. I get about 100 per day, and FDA says 50 grams per 2000 calories, which is 10 percent of caleries coming from protein.


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Ok...this is where I got my info from, other than first hand experience ... hair-loss/

Here is the Q and A

Dr Rassman
Can you please tell me if its know whether mega doses of nutritional supplements (other than Vitamin A) can contribute to hair loss?
Thank you

This is a very broad question and one that this blog gets asked often. Unfortunately, since nutritional supplements are not regulated by the FDA, there is often very little information in the medical literature regarding side effects and/or scientific studies about how/if they work. You are correct that Vitamin A toxicity is known to cause hair loss so you should avoid doses greater than 50,000 IU. It would also be a good idea to avoid anything which alters your metabolism (thyroid is often a buzzword there) or your hormone levels. Some high protein diets have noted hair loss as a side effect, too. In the final analysis, it is just not possible to know without a specific analysis of a particular nutritional supplement.



I take in about 200 grams of protein per day, sometimes 250. If it's a protein supplement then maybe but if you're getting most of the protein from food(foods like tuna, chicken) then I really doubt it. 80% of my protein comes from food with a couple of 20 mg shakes per day.


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JayMan said:

I take in about 200 grams of protein per day, sometimes 250. If it's a protein supplement then maybe but if you're getting most of the protein from food(foods like tuna, chicken) then I really doubt it. 80% of my protein comes from food with a couple of 20 mg shakes per day.

Holy crap, 200-250 grams per day?!! That is a LOT of protein! Are you a really big guy? lol

Honestly man I dont know if protein contributes to hair loss, but I'm a serious weightlifter so Im not gonna stop consuming it, but i WILL lower it. Right now I plan to take about 50-80 grams/ day as compared to my 120-150 grams per day before


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i think the "some high protein diets" he is refering to are some people who are taking steroids. I doubt the survey even looked at that possibility.


collegechemistrystudent said:
i think the "some high protein diets" he is refering to are some people who are taking steroids. I doubt the survey even looked at that possibility.

i agree with college. the notion that diets high in protein would cause hair loss just seems silly to me when it doesn't take into account that a ton of steroid using bodybuilders are on high protein diets.


htownballa said:
JayMan said:

I take in about 200 grams of protein per day, sometimes 250. If it's a protein supplement then maybe but if you're getting most of the protein from food(foods like tuna, chicken) then I really doubt it. 80% of my protein comes from food with a couple of 20 mg shakes per day.

Holy crap, 200-250 grams per day?!! That is a LOT of protein! Are you a really big guy? lol

Honestly man I dont know if protein contributes to hair loss, but I'm a serious weightlifter so Im not gonna stop consuming it, but i WILL lower it. Right now I plan to take about 50-80 grams/ day as compared to my 120-150 grams per day before

i'm not huge but i'm muscular. like 5'9" 180 and i need protein for my work at the gym. 250 sounds like a lot but really isn't, when you consider that a can of tuna has almost 40 grams, cottage cheese has a ton of protein per serving- I eat a ton of both of those- chicken breast has 40 grams of protein per serving and I mix that in with a lot of salad and nuts and a couple of protein shakes a day. I get some soy protein as well from veggie burgers etc. 250 really isn't that hard to get to. And I try to keep my fat intake to under 50 grams a day.


I have a question:
I probably had an eating disorder which resulted in many days when i wouldn´t eat anything at all, just drinking tons of water. If I am starting to eat regularly again will these hairs I lost by diet grow back again or are they lost forever?


Taugenichts said:
I have a question:
I probably had an eating disorder which resulted in many days when i wouldn´t eat anything at all, just drinking tons of water. If I am starting to eat regularly again will these hairs I lost by diet grow back again or are they lost forever?

they'll grow back


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that rassman guy can't make up his mind. in a post about high protein diet he also says:

"With regard to your questions on diet, any good diet (even high in proteins) provided that it contains the daily requirement of nutrients, will not accelerate hair loss."


iostream71 said:
that rassman guy can't make up his mind. in a post about high protein diet he also says:

"With regard to your questions on diet, any good diet (even high in proteins) provided that it contains the daily requirement of nutrients, will not accelerate hair loss."

and even if it did cause hair to fall out, hair that falls out from poor nutrition grows back, unlike hair that miniaturizes due to male pattern baldness.