Diet, Insulin Resistance and Baldness.Possible cure included


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Lately I have been reading about diet, baldness and more recently insulin-resistance in these individuals. (1) Gonzalez et el. proved that young androgenic alopecia individuals do have an signifigance resistance to insulin. Normally this is a trait you would view in type 2 diabetics. Which struck me as odd. There has also been many studies directly relating overexpression of Insulin like growth factor (IGF-1) and vertex balding (2)(3). This is because of their ability to active androgens. When acting alone they are actually responsible for proliferating new cells. IGF-1s are polypeptide sequences that are very similar to insulin.

What does this tell us? perhaps balding and insulin-resistance share some pathways. Low expression of Heat shock proteins (HSP) are found in individuals who are highly insulin resistant. There hasn't been alot of work done on this area but Aldy et el has found expression of the HSP only in anagen phase hairs. There were no HSPs found in telogen or catagen hairs. There was another study who did the same work but I can't seem to find it again. So we know insulin resitant men bald, and we know they lack HSP's.

Another benificial thing to having raised levels of HSP is that it inhibits GSK-3. GSk-3 is a protein that inihibits the Wnt signalling pathway. You want Wnt signalling for hair regrowth. Also I think Histogen is focusing on the upregulation of Wnt. So you know its good.

So how do you we get back to normal HSP level and keep our hairs in anagen phase? Well Chung and his collegues were working with mice and their HSPs and were able to raise Heat Schock Proteins in 2 different ways. Heat therapy and having transgenic mice (not an option for us).

They actually Raised the body temperature of the mice to 41 degrees celsius and raised the HSp to above normal levels which also got rid of the insulin resistance.

So I thought maybe, to add to a regime. This may sound stupid... but we could Dunk our heads in hot water 15 minutes a day, raise the HSP's and Kill the insulin resitance in our scalp. I also wonder If some Diabetic medication work on HSPs.

(1)Gonzalez G. et el. Androgenetic alopecia and insulin resistance in young men. Clinical endocrinology. 2008 Dec 15 http://www3.interscience.wiley...act?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0

(2)Elizabeth A. et el. Vertex balding, plasma insulin-like growth factor 1, and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. june 2000.

(3) Signorello. Hormones and hair patterning in men: A role for insulin-like growth factor 1? Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology

(4) Chung J. et el. HSP72 protects against obesity-induced insulin resistance. Proceeding for the National Academy of Science.

Sorry about the lazy references.