Diet, perimenopause, rogaine... What's the cause?


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I'm confused about what's happening. Why am I shedding so much for the past three months when I'm using Rogaine and have been for fifteen years? My thyroid and hormone levels tested okay.
I'm a 49 year old female who would like to hear some thoughts about the following questions that I have:

- Has anyone noticed hair loss after switching from Rogaine to Walgreen's minoxidil?
- Does Rogaine lose its effectiveness after years of use?
- Can a change in diet (no sugar and less carbs) and a loss of 25 pounds
(due to prediabetes) in 3-4 months cause excessive shedding 3-4
months later?
- Yes, I'm probably in perimenopause, but shouldn't the Rogaine be
stopping the shedding when it had prior to this for fifteen years?
- Has anyone found low-laser treatments effective?

Any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated as I'm having difficulty finding a doctor who specializes in women's hair loss.



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This is a men's forum and most of your questions have been answered before (but from a man's point of view) so search around.
minoxidil is a growth stimulator and it's effectiveness after years of use is a debate that is very hard to answer. If the shedding occured soon after switching to a different minoxidil brand then I would certainly go back to the original.