Diff between Nizoral and T-Gel?


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I hear some people use T-Gel but I use Nizoral. I would like to know what's the difference between the two and is one better than the other.


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THe active ingredient is different...nizoral has Keto-somthin-er-other and T/Gel has coal tar.
There's also been a study or two saying that nizoral is effective in fighting hairloss. Something like it equaled that of 2% minoxidil.


Nizoral contains Ketoconzole which helps fight scalp inflamation

The T/Gel I use says on the front 'Does not contain Coal Tar' but it does contain Salicylic Acid which I believe is the benificial ingredient

the following is stolen from one of cassins posts


Salicylic acid is a chemical that helps remove scale. Removing scale is important, because it allows topical medications to reach and penetrate the skin. Salicylic acid is found in keratolytic products (scale lifters) that loosen scale. There are keratolytic products that include shampoos, soaps, lotions and gels. These products usually contain salicylic acid, lactic acid or urea.

Salicylic acid is called "sal acid" for short. It can be made stronger with a prescription, but is usually found in over-the-counter (OTC) products. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved salicylic acid as an over-the-counter treatment for psoriasis in strengths of 1.8 percent to 3 percent. It is often combined with other topical medications to make them more effective.



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Ty.....Isn't that T/sal? or is there a T/gel that has salacylic acid too?


BadHairDecade said:
Ty.....Isn't that T/sal? or is there a T/gel that has salacylic acid too?

here's the whole label



Salicylic Acid • Piroctone Olamine

Dermatological Shampoo

Effective relief for

•Moderate to Stubborn Dandruff
•Itching, Scaling & Flaking

Fresh fragrance
Does not contain Coal Tar





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sh*t...I've never seen that one. There must be a couple different types of T/Gel. I guess it's now important to say which type we're using when recommending and posting about it. Thanks for the info :)
Welp if you want the best of both worlds Dr. Lee has a shampoo that's 2% Ketoconazole and 3% Salicylic Acid.


I think in my local chemist there are three types of T/Gel on the shelves, next time I am in there I will have a look and report back.



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Salacylic acid acid is a good exfoliate and may be beneficial if you have Seborrhoeic Dermatitis. However, I doubt it has any benefits as far as Androgenetic Alopecia is concerned.

Click here for info on Nizoral


socks said:
Salacylic acid acid is a good exfoliate and may be beneficial if you have Seborrhoeic Dermatitis. However, I doubt it has any benefits as far as Androgenetic Alopecia is concerned.

from Dr Lee's Website

Dr Lee said:
Ketoconazole has been proven to decrease the quantities of DHT in the scalp by helping to inhibit its synthesis from sterols.

Salicylic acid has a keratolytic and a slight antiseptic action when applied topically to the skin.  By removing some of the dead epidermal layers of the stratum corneum, there is an enhanced action by the ketoconazole in suppressing the production of DHT in the scalp.

maybe we should wash with T/Gel then Nizoral then a conditioner all in the same session ?

Also would removing the dead epidermal layers not help with the absorption of minoxidil ?



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maybe we should wash with T/Gel then Nizoral then a conditioner all in the same session ?

No, it would make more sense just to use a Salacylic acid solution. I use to buy some stuff that came in a clear bottle that was a 2% solution I believe.

Also would removing the dead epidermal layers not help with the absorption of minoxidil ?

In theory, yes. I would use retin-a though if your goal is to thin the dead epidermal layers.

Salacylic acid is just a mild exfoliate.


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Sal acid just fries a layer of skin off your body.


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I think the UK must have T/GEL CONDITIONER listed as a regular shampoo.

Ty....is the shampoo white?

T/GEL Conditioner has 2% SAL ACID...... And no coal tar....

T/SAL Has 3% SAL ACID....

Nuetrogena "Scalp Health" Has 1.5 SAL ACID % (I think)

Regular T/GEL has 0.5% Coal Tar I believe.

I have used all of the above. If you want to make a home version of Dr Lees shampoo........do this

Just use T/GEL conditioner after Nizoral.


Just mix a bit of nizoral and T/SAL in your palm and shampoo as usual.


cassin said:
I think the UK must have T/GEL CONDITIONER listed as a regular shampoo.

Ty....is the shampoo white?

???? why would they list a conditioner as a shampoo, this is madness cassin, madness I tell ya'.

The shampoo is Brown/Amber like normal T/Gel

cassin said:
T/GEL Conditioner has 2% SAL ACID...... And no coal tar....

Never seen T/Gel conditioner on these shores.

cassin said:
I have used all of the above. If you want to make a home version of Dr Lees shampoo........do this

Just use T/GEL conditioner after Nizoral.


Just mix a bit of nizoral and T/SAL in your palm and shampoo as usual.

I would reccommend using the T/Gel (shampoo with salicylic acid) first to slough off the dead skin cells, give it a good rinse and then apply the Nizoral, which now has better access to your scalp.

what do ya think?



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tynanW said:
cassin said:
I think the UK must have T/GEL CONDITIONER listed as a regular shampoo.

Ty....is the shampoo white?

???? why would they list a conditioner as a shampoo, this is madness cassin, madness I tell ya'.

The shampoo is Brown/Amber like normal T/Gel

Does it look like this?


tynanW said:
cassin said:
T/GEL Conditioner has 2% SAL ACID...... And no coal tar....

Never seen T/Gel conditioner on these shores.

Well thats the UK for ya...... :)

tynanW said:
cassin said:
I have used all of the above. If you want to make a home version of Dr Lees shampoo........do this

Just use T/GEL conditioner after Nizoral.


Just mix a bit of nizoral and T/SAL in your palm and shampoo as usual.

I would reccommend using the T/Gel (shampoo with salicylic acid) first to slough off the dead skin cells, give it a good rinse and then apply the Nizoral, which now has better access to your scalp.

what do ya think?


IMO......That and using them at the same time is just as effective, and better than following it up with the Conditioner. BUT...I doubt it matters that much. Whatever is easier for ya I usppose. :)

Also Ty.......Which cuss words do you find most useful to your regimen? Did they cause a shed? If so, which ones?


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Quite simply, the difference between Nizoral and T/Gel, is that T/Gel has zero science to show that it does anything to help hair loss, yet a lot of science to show its active ingredient is carcinogenic.



avri said:
Quite simply, the difference between Nizoral and T/Gel, is that T/Gel has zero science to show that it does anything to help hair loss, yet a lot of science to show its active ingredient is carcinogenic.


AVRI, the carcinogenic concern over T/Gel was it's Coal Tar content.

The T/Gel I use is made without Coal Tar but with Salicyclic Acid which helps with scalp health.

So not carcinogenic, but good in the fight against male pattern baldness.



cassin said:
Does it look like this?

NO !!!

It's a clear plastic bottle (same shape as the one in the link) with a dark brown (amber if held up to the light) 'see thru' shampoo.

I find the best cussin' words for hair loss to be sh*t bastard and f*** I haven't got any hair count data or graphs but the overall cosmetic apperance of my hair has definatly improved.


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why not just use nizoral? yeah, some people say it does have hairloss fighting properties, aside from its anti-inflammatory ones. but that aside, it was used in the finasteride trials and showed good results. it keeps down inflammation and it works, end of story.

as for using tgel, nizoral and a conditioner in the same session, no!! it may sound good in terms of, yeah this chemical is doing this, and that chemical is doing that, but think about it, youre frying your hair and most probably your follicles by using so many chemicals on it at once. hell, even hair specialists tell us it not good to wash your hair every single day. which is why i use nizoral about 3 times a week, a mild shampoo another 3 days, and one day just use water.