Difference between mature hairline and male pattern baldness?


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I have had this question for a while now but really didnt care to ask but i think ill ask just cause i know others are thinking this to....so here we go...

How do you know that its a mature hairline and not male pattern baldness?

Like what are the differences....i mean you cant count on hair count in sheds or what not......like one of my friends has a mature as hell hairline but no signs of thinning besides the obvious of that massive mature hairline.


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I had no idea there was such a thing as a 'mature hairline.' I just thought it was all male pattern baldness, of differeing levels. I'm not losing anything in the back.. but my hairline sure is thinning at the edges... i hate it.

too bald too furious

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blue said:
I have had this question for a while now but really didnt care to ask but i think ill ask just cause i know others are thinking this to....so here we go...

How do you know that its a mature hairline and not male pattern baldness?

Like what are the differences....i mean you cant count on hair count in sheds or what not......like one of my friends has a mature as hell hairline but no signs of thinning besides the obvious of that massive mature hairline.

The thinning at already receeded/receeding temples and not a fine hair line along that is usually a good indication of male pattern baldness prone hair line. In comparison a mature hair line will have super thick hair and no thinning at a bit already receeded temples.


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mature hairline can b considered mild male pattern baldness since most people with a mature hairline receed a little more when they reach their middle ages and thin out when they go grey. basically male pattern baldness so mild that they won't go bald but will lose a small but significant amount of hair over time.


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theres not a man on this earth who doesnt have temporal recession. even brad pitt has it and thats who i consider to have perfect hair for a man of 40.

not me!

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I strongly suspect that many of the posters on forums are, in actuality, freaking out over their natural mature hair line forming....but what do I know?


social_drinker said:
I strongly suspect that many of the posters on forums are, in actuality, freaking out over their natural mature hair line forming....but what do I know?



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I think that mature hairline is just the first step of male pattern baldness. But I agree - you can be able to maintain your mature hairline for many years without further loss. But eventually, the rest will come. I don't think there is any man a live who started out with a mature hairline and never lost more.


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Buffboy said:
I don't think there is any man a live who started out with a mature hairline and never lost more.
George GW Bush? His hairline may have continued to recede, but very gradually, and no one would say that he's bald. And he's over 80. No, it's common for men to have a mature hairline but not male pattern baldness. I know lots of 40-somethings and older like that.


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JayB, you're way off there bro.

I can name off quite a few guys I work with who are well into their 40s without a single loss of hair anywhere on their heads, including their temples.

My Supervisor, infact, is mid 40s and his hairline is lower than a 10 year old's. The guy has no much hair around his temples, it's right down to his eyebrows. Lucky guy.

He is not prone to male pattern baldness at all.


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It is possible to lose some in your 20s then maintain more or less what you have for another 20 years.

My dad is a good example of a guy with a mature hairline. He lost a bit in the temples around my age but still had great coverage. He didn't start to progress again around 45 and at 53 has way better hair then most guys his age. He is starting to lose the rest now, but I think he did really well in the male pattern baldness department.

I look at my hair and how the rest of it is still pretty thick except to what I lost in the temples and wonder if all I'm doing is saving a square inch of hair in both temples for 10-15 years.


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But thats the thing is a mature hairline even related to male pattern baldness or is it soemthing that just happens as you become older?


I believe you reach your hormonal peak (not in the volume of hormones produced but in balance) in your early/mid thirties.

Not sure what it's got to do with this thread, but it sounds clever.


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Buffboy said:
I think that mature hairline is just the first step of male pattern baldness. But I agree - you can be able to maintain your mature hairline for many years without further loss. But eventually, the rest will come. I don't think there is any man a live who started out with a mature hairline and never lost more.

There are millions. I think there are many on these board who just developed a mature hairline after puberty and started immediately treatment though it possibly wouldn't progress any more.



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..But then how do you know its a mature hairline and not male pattern baldness?


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hmm.. this maturing hairline thing.... can you get that in your crown too?


Bismarck said:
I think there are many on these board who just developed a mature hairline after puberty and started immediately treatment though it possibly wouldn't progress any more.


agree 100%


better english:

.....after puberty and immediately started treatment.....