Difference between shedded hairs with cut tips, and tapered tips?


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Been on finasteride for 1.5 years. Started using nizoral once a week 2 months ago.

Today while in the shower, i applied nizoral and after a minute i got the itch/tingly feeling in my thin problem hairline area.

After that throughout the day i noticed more hairs than usual falling out with tapered ends. What does this mean? Tapered ends obviouslly mean hairs that have only bene growing for a short time and have fallen out early (sign of miniturization whcih is bad?)

Throughtout the week on normal days when not using nizoral (just nioxin shampoo) i get the odd tapered hair falling out, but it seems when i use nizoral i get more than normal tapered hairs falling out?


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i assume 2 things about shedded hairs with tapered ends .5-2inches long:

1] this is an awful sign as the hair follicle is short cycling, ie dht is shutting the hair follicle down early before it is long enough to get cut and thus have a blunt tip

2] for some reason, it's a good sign of regrowth? (help me out here, lol)