Difference between shredding and thinning?


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Aside from the fact that with shredding your hair will eventually grow back, is there a difference between the two? I see some pictures of posters with thinning hair. One thing stood out was that on those places, their hair is well gone. And they're left with a clean bald spot. But if you're shredding, would that occur as well? Or is that a different sort of losing hair? And how long would you expect your hair to grow back and how long?


hairnewb101 said:
Aside from the fact that with shredding your hair will eventually grow back, is there a difference between the two? I see some pictures of posters with thinning hair. One thing stood out was that on those places, their hair is well gone. And they're left with a clean bald spot. But if you're shredding, would that occur as well? Or is that a different sort of losing hair? And how long would you expect your hair to grow back and how long?
Shredding is something skateboarders do, and thinning is when your hair density decreases.


I kid. I kid.

I think you mean shedding. Its just semantics. If you want to get technical, shedding is typically a temporary event caused either by an effective treatment, a change in the scalp that affects the hair, or some sort of body chemistry or hormonal change that disrupts the growth process. Thinning, technically, is also known as the miniaturization process. You're probably not thinking this specific, but if we want the terms to be used properly, thinning is the process by which hai grows back each cycle thinner, shorter, and less robust. The "thinning" process ultimately results in less hair coverage and more visible skin. What you really want to know is if you've got temporary thinning or male pattern baldness. Unless you're a female with hormonal fluctuations, or have been on medications or just gave birth, if you're a male between 23 and 55 and you're losing your hair for more than 6 months, you probably have male pattern baldness.