difference for girls if you are balding or completely bald?


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I'm pretty sure that girls see it as a flaw in a mans appearance. After all you dont see many male models with bald/balding heads do you? Or movie stars or even pop stars. Losing your hair is associated with being old and therefore being past your prime. Many guys on here have posted examples of when women have viewed hairloss in a negative way. Can anyone think of an example of someone who looks better bald than with hair? Maybe some women dont mind or dont see it as being too off putting but these are probably only older women. Some women see other things as being important in a man eg personality, money There are plenty of women out there who are with bald/balding men but I'm sure that no woman would imagine her ideal man as being bald.


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s.a.f said:
I'm pretty sure that girls see it as a flaw in a mans appearance...... Can anyone think of an example of someone who looks better bald than with hair? There are plenty of women out there who are with bald/balding men but I'm sure that no woman would imagine her ideal man as being bald.

yul brynner

telly savalas

me.....and i'm still alive


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my personal opinion is that: if a girl loves you, she will continue to love you if you lose your hair.

getting the girl to love you however... not to say it can't happen, but of course, it will be harder (especially if your self confidence is low)


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That's correct, but whether they distinguish:"he is 10 per cent balding, that's ok for me, I don't care, and this one is 40 per cent, he's not"?[/quote]
Probably the same as you would look at a girl who was overweight.
5 pounds overweight = no problem
10 pounds = still ok?
20 pounds = sorry luv go on a diet.

I expect that slight receeding would probably be ok to many girls. But moderate-extreme hairloss would no doubt be a turn off.

Yul Bryner and Telly Savalas chose to shave their heads and looked fine with it but they are exceptions to the rule.
A girl should continue to love you if you lose your hair, but would she have been as atracted to you in the first place without it?


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often if a guy has low self confidence, it is because the woman is giving him bad signals. They do that, and most people can sense it. The signals are very strong and obvious. If a woman is with a guy and wants to break up with him, she will be annoyed by the sound of him breathing to loud, whereas when people are "in love", they love to hear and feel the other breath. She will be bothered by other stuff too, that used to not matter. And when they kiss, he will initiate, and she will not act that turned on. All these subtle cues are not subtle, and she will then say he is to self conscious.

I guarantee if a hot woman throws herself at the most shy guy on the planet, and is genuinely interested in him, she will melt that shyness in less than a day. The reason it never happens is most shy guys are shy because they are given bad signals.

In answer to the quesiton, though, I don't know eactly how much each stage is bad. I'm sure it is generally worse as it goes, but I don't know if attractiveness drops at a constant rate with hair loss, or if most is lost up at first and the rest does not make as much of a difference, or if it goes down, and then up a bit, and then down some more. A shaved head does look better than a NW3, and even a NW2 sometimes. I think a NW4 looks better than NW5-6, when both are shaved. But my professor is a Norwood 5, and I think it looks good on him with his black suit, giving him a dracula look. If he head a NW2.5, I think he would look worse. Dracula looks better than old.


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just saw a full nw5/6 in the library. he was buzzed down to 1/4 inch. he did not look bad at all. the important thing is not to look old. stay youthful and you'll be fine, i guess. Gut maybe he looked a lot better before. No saying how much it dropped him, but just shows that it is not the end of good appearance.


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I honestly think that women would prefer a completely bald man over one who is considerably balding with some hair. Sometimes we "men" can look pretty silly with patches of hair covering the bald spots. I wonder if women think of it as a confidence thing if a man just shaves the hair completely off?


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I wonder if most women think a guy has more self confidence if he shaves it, or if they would say that means he was bothered by it too much. The former makes more sense. Anyway, i think a shaved head looks better than advanced male pattern baldness with 1 inch hair. But I still think a shaved or #2 NW4 would look bettter than a nw5 or 6


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I think what you're saying is its important to know when to give up the battle and just surrender to m.p.b. There comes a point when you have to just shave it all off. With me it was nw3 but let me tell you putting those clippers to your head after years of trying to make what hair you had cover as much as possible is a pretty traumatic experience. I was 26 at the time and it felt as if I was surrendering my youth it was devastating. Its probably true that women would have more respect for a guy who can just say "well its gone, who cares?" but in reality its not always that easy.


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s.a.f said:
I think what you're saying is its important to know when to give up the battle and just surrender to m.p.b. There comes a point when you have to just shave it all off. With me it was nw3 but let me tell you putting those clippers to your head after years of trying to make what hair you had cover as much as possible is a pretty traumatic experience. I was 26 at the time and it felt as if I was surrendering my youth it was devastating. Its probably true that women would have more respect for a guy who can just say "well its gone, who cares?" but in reality its not always that easy.

how true, saf.

only a bald man would truly connect with those sentiments and i feel every word strikes a chord with me.

however time is a great healer and you put those traumatic feelings to 'bed'.

sometimes though when you read a post like yours, it brings it all back for a few minutes....and then you pause, reflect....... and then get on with the day and life. dont sweat over something of which you have no control.

hey, there's things to do and a life to be lived and experienced and enjoyed.


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s.a.f said:
I think what you're saying is its important to know when to give up the battle and just surrender to m.p.b. There comes a point when you have to just shave it all off. With me it was nw3 but let me tell you putting those clippers to your head after years of trying to make what hair you had cover as much as possible is a pretty traumatic experience. I was 26 at the time and it felt as if I was surrendering my youth it was devastating. Its probably true that women would have more respect for a guy who can just say "well its gone, who cares?" but in reality its not always that easy.

Thanks for sharing this man. Great post. Totally agree with you here.