Different day, same stuff


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I stay away from this place for a couple of weeks and every time I come back, it's the same stuff. People complaining about being bald and you see them and they have most of their hair.

People "calling out" UCMan. I mean it seems like I have seen more than a few posts about him now.

If I read another post about how it's all about "confidence" i might barf. You can be as confident as you want but if you look like crap, it will be for nothing. If you are ok to good (not great) looking, confidence definitely helps. I know this one guy who is bald and not good looking. He is confident and he gets women every now and then but he gets laughed at and rejected almost all of the time.

Nashville Hairline

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HatPrisoner91 said:
If I read another post about how it's all about "confidence" i might barf. You can be as confident as you want but if you look like crap, it will be for nothing. If you are ok to good (not great) looking, confidence definitely helps. I know this one guy who is bald and not good looking. He is confident and he gets women every now and then but he gets laughed at and rejected almost all of the time.
Ironically, you always come back and say stuff like this.


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Nashville Hairline said:
Ironically, you always come back and say stuff like this.

Because this place is always doing the same thing. I have taken hiatuses of over a month and it's the same stuff. Its unreal.


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I think we all need to take a deep breath and stop spending so much time saying who has it worse and who should and shouldnt be here. Its all relative. We are all at different stages, and we all handle things differently, so what applies for us may not apply to someone else.


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Hope4hairRedux said:
I think we all need to take a deep breath and stop spending so much time saying who has it worse and who should and shouldnt be here. Its all relative. We are all at different stages, and we all handle things differently, so what applies for us may not apply to someone else.

Exactly. And no matter how long I stay away, it's the same thing. I am guilty of telling people that their issue isn't a big deal because I have had almost every single one of those people who don't have baldness try to tell me what I should be doing and bringing up their situation. It's irritating to say the least. The only people who should be able to preach about a situation is one who is going through it or worse. And being a NW2/3/4 is not that.

That being said. What is with all of the threads calling out UCMan by name here?

uncomfortable man

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It's my magnanimous personality HP. Like molten maaaagma. Raises one eyebrow with curved pinky slightly touching lip.