diffuse thining


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Diffuse Male Pattern Baldness is a thinning of all the hair on the top of the head at once. It feels like you're going straight to Norwood 7, which can be scary.

There are other forms of diffuse thinning, where you thin all over your head, but they are uncommon, and not related to DHT.


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And I believe that some men have diffuse thinning in addition to following the familiar norwood patterns.


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I agree Kevin...For me it started at the hairline, then the whole top got thinner, then the bald spot in the back started creeping up.
The odd thing is all of my hair including sides and back have thinned as well. Not nearly as much as the top but it definitely has thinned quite a bit.


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I'm facing exactly the same pattern as BHD, though the hair on my sides and back seems to have become darker and thicker - the hair on top still is my natural dark blonde/semi-orange colour, but everything else is slowly approaching brown and almost unnaturally dense. :shock:


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K my hair is thin from the sides also... But alot more on the top so i was wondering is there a possiblity it's more then male pattern baldness i been losing hair since i was 15 I'm 21 now. If so is a dermatologist the best place to go? All he did was touch my head and say i was balding... But should i go to a doctor to see if it's something else?

Can hair loss be caused by bad eating and health? And would a doctor be abel to tell me this? Thanks alot guys.


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I am thin all over. The sides, back, top, everywhere are exactly the same thickness. I don't know what is going on and often wonder if it could be a thyroid problem. It does not exactly fit in with your typical male pattern baldness.


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Same story, thinning everywhere.

Doctor says it could be thyroid but not probable, he told me he had to read up about it lol


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i am also thinning on the sides i need to take my *** 2 the docs. i wonder if its a tyroid problem sh*t i'm only 17 for god sakes.