Diffuse thinners, buzz your hair...


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Just buzzed my hair for the second time and I cant recommend it more for those who believe they might be able to pull the look off.
Serious, it is the easiest way to stop worrying about hairloss and to maximize the efficacy of topicals (which I don't use, but I know will make applying things like minoxidil much easier).

To those diffuse thinners like me on the board, follow my advice - Get on finasteride/nizoral/MultiVitamin and buzz your head. Its the best way to minimize the worries (you cant count hairs when you cant see them).
Also, and I may be wrong on this, but I believe that when your hair is really short that it doesnt fall out as easily as when it is long.

Then over the next few months you will be pleasantly surprised by the regrowth since you were unable to chart your progress when it was short. Kind of like finding money in an old pair of jeans.


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I forgot to mention that if you realize that the look sucks you can very quickly grow it all back by adding a healthy dose (no more than 1500mg's daily) of MSM to your regimen.

MSM'll make your hair grow super-fast.

Molecular Help

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20sometingtoo said:
I forgot to mention that if you realize that the look sucks you can very quickly grow it all back by adding a healthy dose (no more than 1500mg's daily) of MSM to your regimen.

Yep that's what I did :)


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i buzzed my hair recently and a guy in my class commented that it made me look like i had more hair.

i will never do the comb-over route again!!!!

Green Soap

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Definitely the way to go. You guys can either have limp flaps of hair hanging off your head and utter misery every time you wake up in the morning or you can look fresh and clean.

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by buzzing your head. There is simply no benefit either aesthetically or functionally by trying to keep your thin, diffused hair long while trying to regrow.

On top of that, the much better look increases placebo effect and reduces mental stress greatly (after the first terrifying day).

Just do it. Everything to gain.


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Thinking about this....maybe. When you say buzz, you mean taking a 1 and flat out shaving down to the holy scalp?

Green Soap

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If you feel like it. I recommend trying 9mm first and see how you like that.

Don't wuss around with it when you do it. Set it on 9mm and go from the back of the neck to your hairline. Then back the other way for a nice, even look. Keep doing it until all is the same short length.

Even though my hair appears to be coming back now I still am very glad that I buzzed my hair off. I thought it wouldn't work but you would be surprised how much hair is actually there. It looks worse long. Trust.


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Again, teetering, 20 something, pics would be nice.

I'm not out to diss them. It's just that I can't see myself with a buzz hair. But, I will admit that when I get a short hair cut, it somehow looks like I have thicker hair.

Though, I'm a difuse thinner. I'm guessing you guys are thinning in the temples?

Again, I encourage and request that you show some pics if you get a chance. I'd like to see how it looks.



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I used to shave my hair a lot in the military..

I look like a Mexican gangbanger kinda..

either #1 or no attachment.

I like my hair now, hope I can keep it for a long time and stop this thinning..

Otherwise, back to the buzz !!! :)


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I'll try and get a few pics up in the next couple of days.

I have no hairline changes, still the same - just been diffusing for a few months now.

I buzzed with the shortest attachment, which I guess is a one. The first time I buzzed I didnt use an attachment and it was WAY to short. Looked really bad.

Like I said though, just do it and if you dont like it then beef up on MSM and it'll grow back really fast. I'll have the previous length again within three months. MSM speeds the process up incredibly, so you don't have much of an excuse not to try it.


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Also, something that I noticed - trim your eyebrows. Big, thick, bushy eyebrows do NOT work with the buzz. That, and you may want to keep in shape. Not necessarily being 'roid-like jacked (unless you like to be intimidating) rather, just go for a healthy athletic look.


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20someting: i would really like to see how you look like with a number 1.

I am also a diffuse thinner and have been losing hair rapidly for the past 1 month (started finasteride 2.5 weeks ago) . Yesterday, i cut my hair down to about 1.5'' at the top. Visually, some of the hairs are lying down instead of standing up. When white light shines my head, it penetrates all the way down illuminating both the scalp and the thinning hair. Not a good sight.

I wonder if my buzzing it, will the thinning still be visible?

Btw, how do you trim your eyebrows?


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You got to buzz it down shorter. I know it sounds weird, but the shorter the better. It's like you expect the scalp to show at that point so it kind of hides your lose.

This is awesome for diffuse thinners that have their hairline intact or somewhat intact. Trust me. If you think it looks to thin still, put some couvre on and you'll be set =)


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ok. Buzz it down to #5. I might chop it down further if I get negative feedback. u guys have problems detecting sheds or regrowth for such short hairs?

Molecular Help

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jrg said:
u guys have problems detecting sheds or regrowth for such short hairs?

That's the best thing about it. Sheds without accompanying irritation can be either:
a) plain old male pattern baldness making hair fall out
b) a sign that a treatment is working for you

If a topical is causing your scalp to be irritated, that can cause a shed and you need to remedy that situation. But otherwise trying to evaluate your shedding only causes stress. What can you do? Just get scared and tight in the chest and keep telling yourseld "It gets worse before it gets better... I just got to ride this out." Yeah that's real fun. We know what works, so give it a chance to and forget about it as best you can. 6 months down the line you can let the hair grow a bit and compare pictures to see if you have any regrowth. But I don't see the point of checking for that either. Just do what you have to do. Whether you get regrowth or not really doesn't matter... you still have to stay on the treatments.

Molecular Helpo


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when you are a diffuse thinner...


i used to be able to pull this off, but now my hair is so thin that it's noticable either way. shiiiiii :evil: