Diffuse thinners or male pattern baldness sufferers- Who is worse off?


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If you HAD to have one of the two, which would you choose?
I'm gonna go w/ male pattern baldness. Dunno why.

Bone Daddy

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Dumb question, maybe.. lol

But what's the difference in the two?


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Diffuse thinning IS male pattern baldness, a part of it at least. This is a dumb question. How about ding ding ding, temporal recession vs. diffuse thinning, or even crown thinning vs. temporal recession. I'd prefer temporal recession and just that thank you.


It depends.

If you are suffering from mild diffuse thinning then you are much better of then if you are suffering from frontal loss which starts from your temples - why because your hairline is intact and a hair transplant will fill up what you lost in the inches behind the hairline.

Generally the diffuse thinning is worse because it´s faster.


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Damn. Seems no one told my hair it could pick one type

Mine started with frontal diffuse thinning followed swiftly by some fairly typical male pattern baldness style of loss on the crown, then diffuse thinning throughout my hair but with slight temporal recession thrown in for good measure.

And Nesta is bang-on about diffuse thinning's rate of progression.

Bone Daddy

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well I don't have any bald patches, but I have slight recession in front and the top of my head is all starting to thin, so I guess I have diffuse thinning?

Maybe I wouldnt have even noticed if not for my natural widows peaks and fine hair Ive had since infancy.. damn genetics.

So maybe i have diffuse thinning then.

Bone Daddy

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To be honest, it was only the contrast with the very thick patch of hair at the front that made me realise that I was diffuse thinning. If all of the top of my head (instead of 90%) was thinning, I'd still have long hair, and would be living peacefully in ignorance... maybe.

I can't really compare too much with the sides and back, because I've been revaged by AA in the past, and all my hair looks shite.

Yeah a bad haircut and not being able to gel my front made me notice it. I had it checked my the hairclub guy, and they seem kinda seedy. I've always been fine haired (born light blond) but I can tell a thickness difference in my sides and back versus my entire top when I feel it. Other than being shown light upon or being soaked (like in the "worse than it really is" thread) you can't even tell I'd have a problem.. Im about a 1.5 currently, but it's hard to pin down a number as I have fine hair and was born with widows peaks..

It would be easy for me to keep my hair shaggy and live in denial for a while, but I don't want to wake up down the line and be combover material.

Im going to recover from the chop job I got, then start on finasteride/pros-car and nizoral.. hopefully down the line I will be the same, thicker and have enough money for a transplant or they will have baldness licked.