Diffuse Thinners


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I do not follow the standard male pattern baldness format of losing hair. Maybe its just because I haven't gotten there yet.. but anyways....

I have general thinning pretty equally throughout the entire top of my head. The sides and back remain closer to how they were, but everywhere else is less dense, thinner individual hairs, and a slight loss in pigment.

Is anyone in the same boat as I am? If so, what is your regimen and is it helping?

Thanks in advance.


the pattern you describe is exactly how i started losing hair. I always had my hair long then at 19 i noticed it started looking ratty and unhealthy. got it cut and noticed that hair all around the top and hairline/temples were much thinner, but no bald spots. I then had further temple reccession over about 4 moths and went to dermatologist. I got propecia and am 7 months in on it. My hair seems to be getting thicker everrywhere except where i applied rogaine for 2 months and decided to stop. (I think that may have screwed my progress up a bit. My hairline is still thinning but im pretty sure that propecia has helped slow loss and maybe even starting to grow a little in areas.
O yea (in case you were wondering about side effects0 i didnt really experience side effects from finasteride, except for a little bit moody, and libido fluctuations in the 1st month that evened out eventually


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Diffuse thinning isn't uncommon and many of us are experiencing it. Finasteride and Nizoral seem to be the best treatment for diffuse thinning.


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I am in that boat as well. I have diffuse thinning all over the top of my head. I consider my hair in three parts: back and sides are very full, top and crown, diffusely thin, and the little patch where my widow's peak is which is medium thickness to almost normal thickness. My hairline has receeded a bit though as well.


worried... have u noticed any difference yet with the green tea, if not please tell me in a couple weeks or so how its helped if any


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BadHairDecade said:
Diffuse thinning isn't uncommon and many of us are experiencing it. Finasteride and Nizoral seem to be the best treatment for diffuse thinning.

BHD, I note that you've been using Minoxidil/Rogaine too... How would you say this has helped with your diffuse thinning? My thinning has gotten pretty bad in the last 8 months and I was hoping the Min might help speed up recovery on top of the finasteride.


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Anyone of you thinners successfully stop hairloss? anyone actually grow more hair since their treatments?


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yup....look at my pics


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Wow impressive results. Would you say that all of the regrowth is due to the Minoxidil?

Do you think that Propecia could potentially regrow hair? Because that would be the first thing I try out. (finasteride/nizoral Combo)

I discovered my hair loss ~10 months ago.


finasteride and nizoral are the best to start. nizoral is said to be as effective as 2%minoxidil if used about 3 times a week... and a hell of a lot easier. There is an initial finasteride shed, i went through it, it sucked i started using rogaine cuz i thought more hair was falling out, then i found out about the finasteride shed here and stopped using the minoxidil after 2months.. everywhere i didnt put it on my scalp the finasteride has made thicker and healthier... where i did put it on i am behind is progress, i hope that it will eventually catch up to the rest of my progress


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Kyriakin, my hair sounds a lot like yours. It's very thin all over the top and crown, and my widow's peak is noticeably darker than the rest. My temples and hairline have receded a lot. I'm currently using Revivogen and Nizoral. I haven't seen much progress in the past year since I've been on it. But then again, I may have lost more hair without using those products. I keep my hair buzzed very short with a #1 setting. My hairloss isn't that noticeable as long as I keep it that short.


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Thanks for the advice guys.

I'll be 21 in 1.5 months and my goal is simple. Keep my hair for 3-4 years until I get married.

I talked to my girlfiend about the hair loss and she is very understandable and even said we could set up a little piggy bank for a hair transplant way down the road if I decided to get one.

I've accepted that eventually I will lose my hair, and all I want to do is get a few more years out of my 20's to enjoy life.

I'll be posting pics of my current situation later so maybe you guys could give me even more advice.

I appreciate what you guys do here :D


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Determined said:
Do you think that Propecia could potentially regrow hair? Because that would be the first thing I try out. (finasteride/nizoral Combo)

It seems like the general rule of thumb is that finasteride is mostly for maintenance (with a little hope for improvement) and Min is for Regrowth.

If I had started out battling hair loss 3 years ago, I think the Propecia would have been more than enough but now with it being so thin across the top I'm kind of thinking that finasteride alone won't cut it. I need to do more than maintain.

I will say that I've been using nizoral for around 8 or 9 months and I *think* it has virtually stopped any sort of shedding. I rarely see stray hairs anywhere. There's none on my pillow in the morning and only see a minute few on my hands when shampooing or styling.


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i know i freak out once in a while and say nothing is working, but i would say i have at least maintained in the last half year or so. i am a diffuser,and still lose lots of hair...but it's all over my scalp.


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I've stopped my thinning with finasteride and Nizoral. Been on finasteride for 3 years, Nizoral for about 6 months. On a scale of 1-10 (ten being perfect hair) I'd say I'm around 7.5.

Just pop the pill and take care of your hair with the right shampoo and you'll be fine. No worries.


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