Diffuse Thinning Advice & The See-through Effect


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I'm 38. Diffuse thinner. So far, my thinning has been disguised by styling and concealer. I am considering a transplant for some point in the future, but I have some reservations. Mainly, I don't want to get a transplant only to find that the end result has the "see-though" effect.

I realise that a transplant is not true density. I'm aware that most people say it is the illusion of coverage. I know that the end result depends on donor hair, hair characteristics, shaft thickness, choice of surgeon (etc etc). I understand all of that.

Some questions:

1) If I did go down the transplant route, would I need at least two surgeries in order to gain a result that looks relatively dense? If I get a transplant, one of my main goals (along with a natural look) would be to avoid the see-through look.

2) What is the best course of action for diffuse thinners? My wife and I are trying for kids. As soon as we are successful, I will start finasteride. I tried minoxidil for about a year, but it just made my hair brittle. I looked into PRP, but I wasn't impressed by the results.

I am hoping that, as a diffuse thinner, my options aren't:

A) Get used to having thinning hair
B) Shave it and get used to having a shaved head
C) Get a transplant but accept that it will look see-through
D) Get a hair system

Any helpful advice would be appreciated.