DIM for sexual side effects


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Has anyone here ever taken DIM for finasteride side effects?

I recently started taking it after quitting finasteride several months ago. Immediately within a day after starting DIM I have been getting more frequent morning and nocturnal erections and not to mention it is much easier for me to get an erection. This is after going the 5 months after quitting finasteride without getting morning or nocturnal erections and extreme difficulty just getting it up.

If you don't know about it DIM is an estrogen metabolism aid. I believe some men face sexual side effects due to excess estrogen and estradiol while taking finasteride.

I would just like to bring it to attention incase others here have taken DIM with success or may be interested in trying it.


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I am currently taking 25mg of DIM daily and 0.15mg of finasteride EOD. I am 4 weeks in and without 25mg of DIM would not be able to tolerate finasteride at all, within 3 days I have bad sides. This so far has resulted in lots of morning wood and spontaneous woods!

My libido s through the roof, and I also added Maca root which has pushed my libido it a whole new realm I'm quite possible the horniest I have ever been.

However my experience has told me that I'm only 4 weeks in and a whole lot can change int he next 4 weeks. But if you have any queries please let me know. I believe that Estrodial is a huge problem, because some people are insulin resistant and have high aromastistion of testonsterone to more estrogen. So by making sure you clean up your diet i.e supplement with DIM you fortify your hormonal system, and deal with estrogen.

A word of warning dont overdo the DIM I have found through experimention that 25mg to 50mg half a 100mg pill is sufficient.


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What does DIM do exactly? I was going to get some but on the page description for it on the site i was going to get it from it said this.

"DIM has been shown to lead to the preferential formation of estrogen metabolites that are correlated with healthy breast"

That kind of put me off.


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DIM is concentrated supplement derived from cruicifous vegtables it converts bad estrogen estrodial to good estrogens and therefore is good for women because it reduces the risk of breast cancer.


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Blondilocks said:
DIM is concentrated supplement derived from cruicifous vegtables it converts bad estrogen estrodial to good estrogens and therefore is good for women because it reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Ah ok then.

Could someone please explain how it's beneficial for men to take it? Especially while on finasteride, does it help to lower the estrogen that is caused by finasteride when it lowers dht and there's a slight increase in estrogen? Cheers.


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My understanding Axl, is that in both sexes it balances hormones by helping in the natural cycle within your body. If your male and taking a supplement such as finasteride my understanding/take on this is that some of us have a predispostion to over aromostase testosterone to estrodial/E2 bad estrogens, DIM helps keep more free testosterone, not by raising it just by stopping as much turning to Estrodial but instead good estrogen metabolites. My understanding is that males suffer from no morning wood because either E2 is way too high or too low.

DIM is useful because it keeps bad estrogen in check, and enables the body to use testosterone more readily, hence healthy libido. However each individual is different, and dosing etc play huge part in what the individual will expect. I know that for me DIM is very potent the majority of finasteride side effects are non existsant but if i take too much my digestion suffers, a bit like having too many brussel sprouts!!!!

Again 25mg daily DIM daily and 0.15mg finasteride EOD seems to me to be working for NOW! Long wait to see if the hair improves.


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Side notes

Although Im not certain ive seen reference to DIM being a weak competitor for DHT binding sites, and that Estrogen dominance with in an individual too much estrodial can increase DHT production. If someone could verify or dispute that I would be happy but it kind of makes sense to me


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Ah ok then thanks for the info.

Is there a certain kind of brand that's best to get or any ones that I should stay clear from or are they all basically the same and do the job in the end?


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i experienced sexual side effects from saw palmetto. Stopped use for over 7 months and still experiencing some sides. Do you think i should start using dim?


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blondi how you're doing?


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a guy on forum.bodybuilding.com said he did research with this guy...

he says I3C is superior to DIM

maybe you guys should send him an email and refer him over to this thread LOL

btw: I order whats supposed to be the king of all macas "maca monster"

and im gonna order some I3C right now... I'll start with the I3C and then ill stop it and if there were any effects... i will let them subside... and then i will try the maca... ill let you all know