Disappearing Quick! Advice Needed.

Brucies Rug

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Hi everyone. I'm just needing some advice really. I've been looking into hair replacement systems for a few weeks now, and have learned quite a bit about them from reading forums such as this one.

I'm currently using Toppik as a concealer (none applied on the photos attached though), but I'm at a point were its just not doing enough. It was good to begin with, but as I like to keep my hair fairly short, I'm at the stage now were there isnt enough hair to brush over the concealer to make it look more realistic. I've also found, with the dark brown anyway, that there tends to be a bit of a purple tinge to the colour of the concealer, especially in direct sunlight. So now I'm becoming more self concious about the fact that people will notice that, rather than going "au naturel" and people noticing my bald patch.

So, I'm not sure whether I am at a stage to switch to a system, or if I should carry on as long as I can with concealer, and maybe grow my hair a little longer.

Any advice would be appreciated.



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