Discontinuing Propecia After 5 Years - What Will Happen?


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I know that any NEW hair, or hair that I have kept as a result of the regime, will eventually fall out. BUT will there be an increase in hair loss in those hairs that would have remained over this 5 year period anyway?

What I thought might happen is that more 5 AR has been produced whilst I have been on finasteride to try and counteract the inhibiting effect of the finasteride. Thus, as I now have more 5AR than I otherwise would have done then my hair will disappear quicker than if I had 5 years on finasteride and then stopped.

Is there any evidence to suggest this?


Switch to topical DHT inhibition.

I agree that your body probably has upgraded it´s production of DHT or 5AR and possibly testosterone.

My guess is that you will have a hardon for the next 2 months and no hair :)

Kidding. Go with topical DHT inhibition.


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Its said that you will simply start losing your hair at the same rate you were before you were on finasteride, that taking finasteride is analogous to hitting the pause button.

I hadn't thought about increased 5ar production. I was however concerned with increased DHT sensitivty after having so little for so long.

A topical like spironolactone (and probably a few other products with it) would be a really good idea.

Is this a hypothetical question or have you really been on finasteride for five years and are thinking of giving it up?


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i buy the merck brand propecia and in the box is a little information leaflet. it says if you discontinue propecia you will lose the hair you saved/regrew while on it within 12 months.


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sdellis66 said:
I know that any NEW hair, or hair that I have kept as a result of the regime, will eventually fall out. BUT will there be an increase in hair loss in those hairs that would have remained over this 5 year period anyway?

Probably not would be my guess, but we don't really have enough long-term data to say for sure.

You need to take a look at the haircount graph in the original large Propecia study. One group recieved the active drug (finasteride) for the first year, but then were switched over to placebo for the second year. After a full year of taking the placebo, their haircounts had dropped below their original starting baseline, but they were still ahead of the subjects who had gotten the placebo for the full 2 years. There is no more data for what happened after those 2 years. My guess is that the finasteride --> placebo subjects eventually simply reached the same point as the placebo --> placebo group.

sdellis66 said:
What I thought might happen is that more 5 AR has been produced whilst I have been on finasteride to try and counteract the inhibiting effect of the finasteride. Thus, as I now have more 5AR than I otherwise would have done then my hair will disappear quicker than if I had 5 years on finasteride and then stopped.

Actually, if anything, there may possibly be a DOWNregulation of 5a-reductase type 2, not an UPregulation during finasteride usage (I don't have time to post about the study which suggests that possibility). However, the thing to worry about would be the upregulation of androgen receptors during finasteride usage, which Sawaya found. And sure enough, if you look at that haircount graph from the Propecia study, the downward haircount slope of the group switched over from finasteride to placebo is even STEEPER than the group that got the placebo for the full two years! However, I imagine that they both eventually attain the same rate of loss, after more time goes by.



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I don't really know either; and I don't think anyone knows for sure.

It could also be possible that your hair is more sensitive to dht than it was 5 years ago (just the natural progression) and the return to a normal level of dht after quiting propecia will increase loss.

but I have no idea what would happen and it could be different for everyone.


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I read somewhere that testosterone is increased by around 15% in finasteride users as the body searches for equilibrium. But that extra DHT is still blocked by the finasteride. So it would make sense to taper your dosage down over a few weeks. Start taking your usual does EOD for a week or two, then E3D for another week or two. Then just maybe once or twice a week for a week or so.

I'm no medical expert, that's just my humble opinion & guess...


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you didn't mention why you've decided to stop Finestaride.

Did it stop being effective gradually?

Are you having sexual side effects? (have you had any in those 5 years?)


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Sorry folks, I ought to have been more clear in my post. It is actually a hypothetical question. Thinking of beginning to take finasteride but I am slightly concerned about messing around with hormonal factors for a long period of time. Thus, I thought about taking it for 5 years to 'buy some time'.

BUT should I take it at all? My hair loss literally ALL happened in th space of about 9 months, 7.5 years ago when I was aged 19-20. It LITERALLY has not gone very much more at all since then - if it has gone at all there has been a loss of hair that had become isolated from my main hairline when that receeded on my left temple - you know, the odd few hairs left where ypur hairline used to be. I alos do not suffer excessive loss/shedding - I check the plughole daily.

Should I wait until it kicks in properly and I begin shedding like mad before I start finasteride?

Thanks for all the above replies too guys, by the way.


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Perhaps you just developed a normal male hairline. Normally every adult men have small temples. If nothing has changed since that time I would not start a treatment... but it's your decision.


Healthy Nick

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sdellis66 said:
Sorry folks, I ought to have been more clear in my post. It is actually a hypothetical question. Thinking of beginning to take finasteride but I am slightly concerned about messing around with hormonal factors for a long period of time. Thus, I thought about taking it for 5 years to 'buy some time'.

BUT should I take it at all? My hair loss literally ALL happened in th space of about 9 months, 7.5 years ago when I was aged 19-20. It LITERALLY has not gone very much more at all since then - if it has gone at all there has been a loss of hair that had become isolated from my main hairline when that receeded on my left temple - you know, the odd few hairs left where ypur hairline used to be. I alos do not suffer excessive loss/shedding - I check the plughole daily.

Should I wait until it kicks in properly and I begin shedding like mad before I start finasteride?

Thanks for all the above replies too guys, by the way.

No, don't take it. Probably won't help you that much. Obviously you are maintaining nauturally, so what's the point og taking Propecia? If you want regrowth or something, use minoxidil.