I feel it would denote weakness, especially beacuse he is like a rival to me (like goku and vegeta lol) But he is my friend and I want to help him.
Smart post.This bit caught my attention. If you guys are really "rivals", I would be very careful about talking to him about hair loss.
In what way are you guys rivals? Do you guys tend to rip into each other in front of others?
This bit caught my attention. If you guys are really "rivals", I would be very careful about talking to him about hair loss.
In what way are you guys rivals? Do you guys tend to rip into each other in front of others?
We don't rip each other haha but we can be very competitive, like in school who gets the better grades, or who does better at sports, even in stupid things like who dresses with more style and stuff like that, but it has been like that since childhood.
But maybe you guys are right, that would make me vulnerable. Maybe I can help without him knowing, or anonymously idk. Thanks!
It really depends on the friend. I told a few of my close friends and they were very supportive. Most people will tell you the typical statements such as "Don't worry, it's just hair", "Chicks love bald dudes", and my all time favorite "Hair doesn't matter, just hit the gym harder and get a tan." LOL
Oh no, I'm not saying gymcelling is COMPLETE bullshit. IF you have a good body, that will definitely help you in the dating game. However, face and hair matters a lot more than your body. And yes that is me in the picture!as I recall you are "hitting the gym hard" and 6'3 so it is double valued to hear from you that gymceling is bullshit and just a mere cope.
btw is it you on the pic?
. And one woman co-worker asked:„Why are you so sad? What's wrong?" I kinda wanted to tell the truth, but I couldn't... I just made a clue that it' something related with my head. She thought it may be some mental diseaseThen after the weekend I emailed her and told the truth...
I thought this was going to end in some pity pussy.
I kind of agree with this.Haha, I know the answer guys! If you don't have any folks to talk about such a thing like hairloss, hairloss is not the main problem. The main problem is you don't have true people around you. That's the biggest problem, really.
It's better to have one true honest friend than to have 100 who see only that fake beautiful image you are trying to represent! And of course you will try to deny it, it's the dark side you are trying to avoid. Simple, stupid human nature.![]()