Disgusting Yellow Flakes!


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Just recently one of my friends was looking at my hair and noticed something bizarre. To quote her exactly she said " It looks like you have bird sh*t in your hair". lol. Obviously it wasn't meant as a compliment and I was horrified to discover, that my friends, after analysing my hair, concurred. I've always had some flakes, but I haven't noticed them lately and thought they had diminished. After analysing my hair myself it seems to me like the residue that is pervasive all over my scalp isn't dandruff. It's an odd yellow color and I'm convinced that if I were to my shave my head my scalp would appear yellow. My greatest problem is it appears as if these flakes are literally stuck to my head. There everywhere and there seems to be no forseeable way for me to get them all off unless I were to pick them one by one.

I was wondering if you guys think this could be a reaction to one of the products I'm using on my hair? Could excessive hairspary possibly cause this? It's frusterating because although my hair doesn't seem to visibly balding at the moment ( I should emphazise moment ) this yellow substance is ruining it's appearance.


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Your dandruff has just escalated to seborrhea. Could mean you're not responding to Nizoral (which I see is on your regimen). Better see a dermatologist and meanwhile, get yourself some T/Sal.



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Hey kramer not that i think your a scruffy tramp but how often do you wash your hair? as this could maybe allow time for a build up of residue. No idea what makes it yellow though. :wink:


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Golden shower method is what's causing the yellow. Cut down application to just once or twice a week.


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lol, To those of you who are implying i'm a "scruffy tramp" I wash my hair every single day with no exceptions.

Deaner, what do you mean by the golden shower method; could you be anymore vague?

Avri: I considered that it could be seborrhea but I'm not really experiencing any of the symptoms. Although I am flaking, my head is never really itchy and doesn't appear to be red at all.


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Kramer3 said:
Avri: I considered that it could be seborrhea but I'm not really experiencing any of the symptoms.
You mean, other than the #1 symptom which you described above? ;)



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kramer .. lol
Golden Shower = someone pissing on you and you getting sexually aroused from it..


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Kramer3 said:
Deaner, what do you mean by the golden shower method; could you be anymore vague?

Yes, Deaner is right. He tried the Goldshower method but stopped completely because of massive shedding after the first application.


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The shedder

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ok deaner i'm stuck at a crossing here. Do u think the goldshower method or the newest fad of jerking off on your head? Thanks in advance :)


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deaner has religiously tried both for several years...but was very disappointed with the results (or lack there of) he got......


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I too have heard of Deaner's now infamous circle jerk scalp orgies.
When he hears"put it to the test"he really goes all out.


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This type of tenacity, consistency and follow through deaner has is truly admirable

what a trooper


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kramer3, im have white flakes in my scalp. before to add spironolactone 2% on my regimen this flakes are yellow. sh*t.
im think this is PPL non absorved for my skin and the spironolactone it colored yellow. crazy.