Dissolving sebum


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Is there any product taken internally that decreases sebum production? Also, what topical application would maybe dissolve sebum? Thanks.



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Not sure about anything oral, but T/Gel and T/Sal are great sebum busters.


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actually there is a cost effective solution. Use those facial products that are in gel form which are meant to be used on the face. The type which dries skin and removes, unclogs pores ect. i used it sparingly every few days and it surprisngly it keeps my hair oil free for a few days after one use.


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What products exactly. Since sebum has the DHT in it...right? Then if we can keep the sebum off our folicules as much as possible, this should help. The demodex shampoo I use from facedoctor seems to get rid of the "shine" and I hope that is what it's doing. Maybe the product you m,ention could help too?


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zackb said:
Is there any product taken internally that decreases sebum production?

I assume you mean any SAFE product taken internally?? Antiandrogens like flutamide and cyproterone acetate would certainly do it, and birth control pills, but I don't think you'd like the side-effects! :wink:

I guess you're stuck with Accutane...and even THAT isn't exactly safe.

zackb said:
Also, what topical application would maybe dissolve sebum?

Any shampoo, soap, or cleanser will do that, but I doubt that it would have any effect on hair loss.



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zackb said:
Since sebum has the DHT in it...right? Then if we can keep the sebum off our folicules as much as possible, this should help.

Don't worry about the DHT on your follicles, worry about the DHT in your follicles.



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Bryan said:
zackb said:
Since sebum has the DHT in it...right? Then if we can keep the sebum off our folicules as much as possible, this should help.

Don't worry about the DHT on your follicles, worry about the DHT in your follicles.


But if its "on" follicles then it can get "in" the follicles right?


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arya said:
Bryan said:
zackb said:
Since sebum has the DHT in it...right? Then if we can keep the sebum off our folicules as much as possible, this should help.

Don't worry about the DHT on your follicles, worry about the DHT in your follicles.


But if its "on" follicles then it can get "in" the follicles right?

I dont get u. Does DHT work that way? Thought T>DHT conversion appaears internally on a cellular level?


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zackb said:

What products exactly. Since sebum has the DHT in it...right? Then if we can keep the sebum off our folicules as much as possible, this should help. The demodex shampoo I use from facedoctor seems to get rid of the "shine" and I hope that is what it's doing. Maybe the product you m,ention could help too?

I live in an Asian country so i cant be sure if The same products are sold in yours. The one i am using is some cucumber based facial cleanser Gel

Any product which is good on the face acording to u > keeps face freee of oil for at least 2 days and above , u can safely use it on your temples and hairline. But use sparingly.


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chewbaca said:
arya said:
Bryan said:
zackb said:
Since sebum has the DHT in it...right? Then if we can keep the sebum off our folicules as much as possible, this should help.

Don't worry about the DHT on your follicles, worry about the DHT in your follicles.


But if its "on" follicles then it can get "in" the follicles right?

I dont get u. Does DHT work that way? Thought T>DHT conversion appaears internally on a cellular level?

Yea right, But as far as I know, sebum that produced on the scalp and has DHT on it can get into hair follicles and can escalate the hair loss process.


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arya said:
chewbaca said:
arya said:
Bryan said:
zackb said:
Since sebum has the DHT in it...right? Then if we can keep the sebum off our folicules as much as possible, this should help.

Don't worry about the DHT on your follicles, worry about the DHT in your follicles.


But if its "on" follicles then it can get "in" the follicles right?

I dont get u. Does DHT work that way? Thought T>DHT conversion appaears internally on a cellular level?

Yea right, But as far as I know, sebum that produced on the scalp and has DHT on it can get into hair follicles and can escalate the hair loss process.

Does Scalp sweat also have DHT?


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chewbaca said:
arya said:
chewbaca said:
arya said:
Bryan said:
[quote="zackb":5871f]Since sebum has the DHT in it...right? Then if we can keep the sebum off our folicules as much as possible, this should help.

Don't worry about the DHT on your follicles, worry about the DHT in your follicles.


But if its "on" follicles then it can get "in" the follicles right?

I dont get u. Does DHT work that way? Thought T>DHT conversion appaears internally on a cellular level?

Yea right, But as far as I know, sebum that produced on the scalp and has DHT on it can get into hair follicles and can escalate the hair loss process.

Does Scalp sweat also have DHT?[/quote:5871f]
That I am not 100% sure, but I remember reading an article that says, since we have higher concentration of sweat glands in crown, vertex & temporal area, we tend to loss more hair from those area, as sweat glands carry DHT to those areas. So, scalp sweat might have some dht in it but I don’t think scalp sweat alone can’t be the cause of hair loss.


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arya said:
Bryan said:
zackb said:
Since sebum has the DHT in it...right? Then if we can keep the sebum off our folicules as much as possible, this should help.

Don't worry about the DHT on your follicles, worry about the DHT in your follicles.


But if its "on" follicles then it can get "in" the follicles right?

It seems highly doubtful to me. Sebum does contain a certain amount of DHT, but it flows out of the follicle onto the surface of the skin. I would be astonished if it actually had a detectable effect on the growth of hair.



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chewbaca said:
I dont get u. Does DHT work that way? Thought T>DHT conversion appaears internally on a cellular level?

Exactly. That's why I doubt that sebum flowing out of the follicle onto the surface of the skin would have any detectable effect on the growth of hair cells deep within the follicle.



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its qutite contracdicting, if Dht leaks out it should help hair loss because the internal damage is minimized by the DHT leaking onto the skin which can be washed away by our everyday shampooing?


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Bryan said:
arya said:
Bryan said:
zackb said:
Since sebum has the DHT in it...right? Then if we can keep the sebum off our folicules as much as possible, this should help.

Don't worry about the DHT on your follicles, worry about the DHT in your follicles.


But if its "on" follicles then it can get "in" the follicles right?

It seems highly doubtful to me. Sebum does contain a certain amount of DHT, but it flows out of the follicle onto the surface of the skin. I would be astonished if it actually had a detectable effect on the growth of hair.


Well, I am certainly not an expert on this issue. I am like rest forum members searching for answers. Here is an article that might help.


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I suggest that you ignore that company and not buy any of their products! :)



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Bryan said:
I suggest that you ignore that company and not buy any of their products! :)


No, I never bought anything from that web site, and I don’t have any intension of doing so. However, I have read many similar articles from the web, though I can’t be sure of the accuracy of those articles as I am not a doctor myself.


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arya said:
Bryan said:
arya said:
Bryan said:
zackb said:
Since sebum has the DHT in it...right? Then if we can keep the sebum off our folicules as much as possible, this should help.

Don't worry about the DHT on your follicles, worry about the DHT in your follicles.


But if its "on" follicles then it can get "in" the follicles right?

It seems highly doubtful to me. Sebum does contain a certain amount of DHT, but it flows out of the follicle onto the surface of the skin. I would be astonished if it actually had a detectable effect on the growth of hair.


Well, I am certainly not an expert on this issue. I am like rest forum members searching for answers. Here is an article that might help.

Never trust any research that appears on a webpage with the VISA and MASTERCARD logos at the bottom of the page.