DMI, melitane, forskolin,....other penetration agents


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Over the last couple of months I have been doing some experiments. The thing is: I have very light eyelashes and some grey hair, so I read something about the possible treatments.

Acetyl hexapeptide 1 increases melanin: so I ordered a liquid batch. A seller told me to mix with in a five percent solution with 10 pct DMI. Another one told me DMI is not necessary but you should keep the PH level between 5 and 7.
For many months I've been trying different formulas and got some results. Some lashes came in much darker.
The problem is: I have been mixing batches, not measuring the PH for a week and then it appeared to be too low, then I added baking soda and it got too high, so I added acid to lower it. This probably destroys a peptide I think? I notice the greys are a bit less.

Now somebody recommended me to add AH1 ( also named melitane) to saline water without the use of DMI, but maybe to have better results I could apply DMI ( diluted with water) right afterwards so the peptide doesnt get destroyed.

Another melanin enhancing agent is forskolin although I don't know how to put it in a formula, as it is soluble in organic solvents like ethanol and DMSO, I definitely ( also) want to use it around the eyes, so I don't know if a diluted version ( or softened by softening agents would be an option)

I know it's not directly linked to hairloss but as many of you guys have experience with this, it would be great to have some feedback.


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Question Melitane

Hello, i am researching in this topic.
My question is : where You bought the liquid melitane, price?

There a person who sell pseudocatalase with acetyl hexapeptid-1.
Have you heard about euk-134 ?
Here s a comment form another forum: "Thank you so much. I received the formula for melitane. They recommended me 10 ml melitane 10 ml dimethyl isosorbide as a carrier and 180 ml water to have maximum results."

I wish you all best



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Hello, i am researching in this topic.
My question is : where You bought the liquid melitane, price?

There a person who sell pseudocatalase with acetyl hexapeptid-1.
Have you heard about euk-134 ?
Here s a comment form another forum: "Thank you so much. I received the formula for melitane. They recommended me 10 ml melitane 10 ml dimethyl isosorbide as a carrier and 180 ml water to have maximum results."

I wish you all best


no, who is euk_134, I'm curious about it. I bought it from a chinese source, winkey or something. Was around 160 euros including delivery for 500 ML

Do you know anything about the forskolin mixing?


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I bought it in liquid

on forskolin: the question is: can you replace the ethanol by glycerine to treat more sensitive areas like eyelids?µ