Do bald people deserve their own homeland?


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Just an example of the hate crimes us baldies have had to endure.

We've been at the butt end of endless mocking from our friends, exploitation from pharmaceuticals and women who choose to withhold their physical affection for men with hair over men who don't. Do we need our own country where can escape this endless persecution?

Who will join in me in forging the Republic of Baldistan?


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Only if you make me the Chief Vezir, so that in effect I'm the PM and I run the country on your behalf :woot:


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Who will they sleep with if they have the country to themselves?


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CCS said:
Who will they sleep with if they have the country to themselves?

Good question....

As a Chief Vezir of Baldistan I propose we visit the neighbouring Night-Clubistan once a week and show them that we want to make love, not war :punk: .

I will also get in touch with the Queen of Amazonia and make a deal, where the two nations becomes close friends and arrange regular exchange of population on temporary basis.

If all peaceful negotiations come to nothing, then there is always the military option but let's not talk about it... We are strictly pro-love....


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Smooth said:
CCS said:
Who will they sleep with if they have the country to themselves?
Chubbystan? :dunno:

Classic :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

uncomfortable man

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I'm sure there are those who would like to see every bald person rounded up and sent somewhere isolated from the rest of society. It wouldn't be for our benefit. I could see it now as the first leg of the aesthetic cleansing campaign.

Quantum Cat

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personally I'd rather see fat people rounded up and ostracised. They moan like they have a disability.... just eat less you fat bastards :jackit:

Quantum Cat

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except we're balding through no fault of our own. they're fat because they have no self-control.


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I generally agree but

1) that can be argued

2) no one thinks to 'process' that its beyond our control

just like we dont think to process the obese person's WHOLE history, we have no idea why s/he is overweight.

Just because its (moreso) under their control doesn't make it right to rag on them.

uncomfortable man

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Could be a thyroid condition. Maybe their big boned. If they come from a long line of fatties, then not only are they conditioned since childhood but they are genetically fat as well. Just like people unfairly judge the bald, those same type of people think all fat people need to do is go on a diet. People would rather just put the blame on them (bald, fat, ugly, old) to justify their hate, rather than take the effort to understand someone else's situation.

Quantum Cat

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only a very few people are genetically predisposed to be fat - it's called Prader-Willi syndrome. the vast majority of people are overweight because they consume too many calories. No ifs, no buts.

Somebody who's blind or paralysed has that affliction for life - there's nothing they can do about it. Obese people however can lose weight - it isn't easy for sure - but it's do-able.

As for Thyroid condition, I have Hypothyroidism and I take medication for it so it's not an excuse.


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But don't you see how incredibly hypocritical you're being? It doesn't matter if they have more control over their situation than you, you're still putting them down for their image. Treat people the way you'd like to be treated; that cliche from grade 1 is the absolute truth.


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uncomfortable man said:
Could be a thyroid condition. Maybe their big boned. If they come from a long line of fatties, then not only are they conditioned since childhood but they are genetically fat as well. Just like people unfairly judge the bald, those same type of people think all fat people need to do is go on a diet. People would rather just put the blame on them (bald, fat, ugly, old) to justify their hate, rather than take the effort to understand someone else's situation.

I think this theory is very widely accepted today. Some people just have the genes to be fatter than normal... However, this sill doesn't give them the excuse to be extremely fat.

Quantum Cat said:
only a very few people are genetically predisposed to be fat - it's called Prader-Willi syndrome. the vast majority of people are overweight because they consume too many calories. No ifs, no buts.

Well... I agree with you that some people are fat because they are lazy, but even you do admit that some of us are more likely to put on weight.

barcafan said:
But don't you see how incredibly hypocritical you're being? It doesn't matter if they have more control over their situation than you, you're still putting them down for their image. Treat people the way you'd like to be treated; that cliche from grade 1 is the absolute truth.

Well... only if it was that simple...

I bet most of the guys in this forum are image conscious, that's why they are obsessed with their hair or body muscle, etc... I personally see myself as 50-50, meaning I'd do what I can but I wouldn't get out of my way for it and I wouldn't turn down a girl for carrying a few extra pounds.

However, I do have a problem with people that "let themselves go". I don't mean to sound like a hypocrite, I've occasionally f*cked up as well and suffered the consequences... But I've learnt from my mistakes. Some people just moan about it and do f*ck all.

For me body fitness and health are largely related to lifestyle and diet. If a man or a woman has a crappy lifestyle, no one will go out with him or her. I wouldn't date a woman that sits on her a** all day and does nothing. She might have had a few set backs, I'd give her the benefit of the doubt but if she didn't aim to improve than she's a loser.


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There is a very large difference, I'm not a bit overweight myself, and due to other health problems I have yet to take it off. But I've done it before, and it is very doable.

I can't just commit myself to growing hair. There's a helplessness to losing your hair that doesn't exist with weight. Someone may feel helpless concerning their weight, but they in fact are not. I will admit that there are outliers. But most people are overweight because they eat too much. That's it..

That said, I don't think we should judge those who are overweight.. at it's core, it' fundamentally the same types of discrimination. The people who are doing the discriminating are not differentiating between who is genetically predisposed to losing their hair and who eats too much. They are just being judgmental.

uncomfortable man

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I think that being judgmental is vain and prideful.


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Quantum Cat said:
only a very few people are genetically predisposed to be fat - it's called Prader-Willi syndrome. the vast majority of people are overweight because they consume too many calories. No ifs, no buts.

Wrong Prader willi syndrome is a very extreme condition that effects about 1 in 100,000 people, the sufferer has a constant feeling of hunger.
True most obese people are that way because through their own fault because they eat too much and dont excercise, but we are not all born the same. Everybody has a different number of fat cells and different genetics.
Things such as the mothers weight gain during pregnancy have been proven to effect size.
Some people find it very difficult to gain weight while others can gain easily on the same caloie intake and have difficulty losing it. Not everyone could be skinny if the wanted thinner yes but not slim.
There are different classes of body sizes Ectomorph, endomorph, mesmomorph.


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To continue on from Eureaka and SAF's posts....Because we all have different physiologies some people respond differently to the westernised diet of high carbs and the over use of corn fructose syrup, and put on a lot of weight while eating no more than other people due to having a different metabolism. Being fat for some is more due to ignorance of nutrition than being lazy.

Some people do eat too much, granted, but comparing baldness to being obese is a pointless waste of time that achieves nothing.