Do dutasteride Sides Go Away Over Time?


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I'm 2 months in on real Avodart 0.5mg MWF regimen and I am experiencing fatigue, listlessness, low energy, sore throat glands, difficulty in concentrating, and slight headache sometimes. Will these sides go away if I ride them out or is this a pretty darn good reason to drop dutasteride?


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i think avodart is turning me into an old man. i feel more tired now as well especially in the mornings. i can handle it but i also wonder if its doing me more harm than i can recognise. some days i feel ok and i think its all in my imagination but ive been on finasteride/dutasteride so long i cant remember what i was like before!

whether yours will go away or not i cant say everyone is different but i think if anything mine have built up over time.


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How long did it take after taking your first Avodart pill to start experiencing your side effects? And did you have the same tired feeling while on finasteride? I don't think it's your imagination btw. I took my last Avodart pill on Friday and just used finasteride instead and on Monday I started feeling a loooot better, but I still want to use dutasteride if I can since finasteride hasn't been that effective.


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for loss of libido about a week. i started taking it every day and then switched pretty quickly to mwf when my libido dropped and ive maintained it at about 75%. the tiredness has only just come in really about a week or two ago. it is bearable if i get results i just worry that it may point to something more significant or maybe its nothing to worry about ive no idea. i didnt get any sides on finasteride no.


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So 9 months in and you just started feeling tiredness on Avodart? Weird. I would monitor your situation, but try and ride it out if you feel Avodart has been more effective than finasteride. I'm wondering if these side effects are due to an increase in estrogen because I took blood tests and pretty much everything that my doctor tested for - hemoglobin, white blood count, red blood cell count, prolactin, ALT - were all normal. Testosterone was normal too but it was at 664ng and I don't know if that's high or not. So have your results been better on dutasteride than finasteride?