Do Follicles Really "Die"

Old Baldy

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I was always under the assumption that most of our male pattern baldness follicles were dormant or minaturized, not dead.

I read this study that says we have a finite number of hair growth cycles (14 usually in our lifetime) and that male pattern baldness follicles have much quicker growth cycles.

So I assume once the male pattern baldness follicles go through the "quicker" 14 growth cycles they usually die?

Is this what most of you think eventually happens to the male pattern baldness follicles?

too bald too furious

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Old Baldy said:
I read this study that says we have a finite number of hair growth cycles (14 usually in our lifetime) and that male pattern baldness follicles have much quicker growth cycles.

:freaked: :freaked: :freaked: :freaked: :freaked: :freaked:

I would had gone completely bald by now if my hairs had only 14 cycles. Is that true that hair has only 14 cycles of growth and shed? :freaked:

Old Baldy

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Nexus: I think I mis-spoke. The study talks about another study conducted over a 14 year period.

I'm sorry, the 14 cycles I mentioned was my mis-reading of the study the first time. The study I site does say that there is a finite number of growth cycles in our lifetime but I can't find where it gives a specific number of growth cycles.

I'll read the study AGAIN.

Sorry for my STUPID mistake.


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Old Baldy said:
The study I site does say that there is a finite number of growth cycles in our lifetime but I can't find where it gives a specific number of growth cycles.

That idea is pure poppycock. There's no evidence for it. It probably came from somebody who had heard about telomere shortening in cells, and thought to himself, "Hmmm....maybe there's a built-in limit to how many times a hair follicle can cycle, too!" It was probably just about as simple-minded an idea as that! :wink:
