Do girls ever get premature FPB?


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Ok so you know how there's quite a few of us with diffuse thinning all over in the male pattern baldness pattern starting as young as our teens and we end up going fully bald early 20's. The thing is, it's still not "holy sh*t look a bald 21 year old!" (though i'm sure some here think that's how it works) I mean i started shaving and to be completely honest i'm treated the exact same way i was treated, actually mabye even better than when i had hair. It's almost given me more confidence possibly. I went from an emo looking lad to a sorta rugged looking guy.

Anyway enough side tracking, so are there exact cases like this for females too? just FPB, simply genetics, starting in the teens, early twenties? it's just rarer? i'm just thinking any female who starts thinning that young, now that would be really hard on them due to society. We guys should be thankful that yeah we're thinning, but it would be alot worse if you were a girl at the same age thinning.

was just asking cause most girls around my age have zero hair problems. I guess most female hairloss, particularly female pattern baldness dosn't start alot later on for women? and most hairloss in younger girls dosn't seem to be female pattern baldness but another form of alpecia?


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Yeah, they do, it's just that

(a) they'll start wearing wigs/toppers/extensions before it starts getting obvious to others

(b) it's slow thinning so it takes years for it to become obvious. for the early years, it just looks like they have thinner hair than they used to, but still normal

(c) lots of women get a wide part only, so they part their hair on the side and voila, looks normal for the next 5 years.

IMO, older women are slower to notice thinning hair, and less likely to care enough to do something about it. They're also more likely to get it, of course.