Do Hair Gel Products Cause Your hair to fall out?


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When i apply gel and run it thru my hair to fix my hair, i always get hairs falling out sticking to my hand? Does gel cause ur hair to fall out faster? is it all the myth? Feedback is greatly appreciated, Why exactly does so much hair stick to my hands when I apply hair gel? is that normal?

Green Soap

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Ask yourself this:

Does Gel make Tom Cruise' hair fall out?

Does it make Collin Farrel's hair fall out?

People you know in life with thick, full heads of hair. They wear gel.

Punk Rockers put the most ungodly things all the time to make huge colored mohawks, etc.

Their hair is fine.

No, my friend, you have male pattern baldness and no amount of gentle combing, prayer, or baby shampoo are goping to help you.

You need medicine and a rigid regimen.

Welcome to the forum.


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Touche' Green Soap

The Rock

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Who dropped teh green soap?


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You apply gel to the follicle.

male pattern baldness affects the root of said follicle.

Need I say more?