More of a query than anything else, does anyone have any experience or knowledge of how hair genes (with specific reference to hairloss) tend to play out? So for example in my family, my brother shares my maternal Grandfather's hairline however he did not take his hairline from his maternal Grandfather who had a full head of hair into his 70s whereas his Father lost his hair at a relatively young age. Additionally, at the age 21, my maternal Grandfather and my brother had almost identical hairlines and hair colour. Conversely, I share a hairline with many on my paternal side who all enjoyed full heads of hair into their sixties, therefore my question is do hair genes tend to be collective .e hairline, hair type and hair loss come from the one person or do you receive those different aspects from different family members? I.e is it possible or common to see someone with a balding father and a grandfather with a full head of hair to receive his grandfather's hairline, hair colour and texture yet receive his father's baldness.
Thanks for any help, I was relatively panic stricken over losing my hair until very recently when I reached a kind of tranquil over it however, the genetic side of things fascinates me, unfortunately, I am a history major and therefore the possibility of me making any breakthrough in the matter is minute. But also left me fascinated in old family photos and was wondering if general likeness, hair genetics in general and hairloss were related.
Thanks for any help, I was relatively panic stricken over losing my hair until very recently when I reached a kind of tranquil over it however, the genetic side of things fascinates me, unfortunately, I am a history major and therefore the possibility of me making any breakthrough in the matter is minute. But also left me fascinated in old family photos and was wondering if general likeness, hair genetics in general and hairloss were related.