Do I have to add anything to inhibit DHT?


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I have been on minoxidl (5%) now for nearly 7 months. I have seen a lot of regrowth and especially, dramatic thickening (my hair has changed from thin and brittle to normal). I have yet to introduce anything to counter DHT, though I do use nizarol and have green tea. I was wondering whether I should add spironolactone (2%) or continue to use only minoxidl as I am already achieving excellent results. But, if I add spironolactone I may achieve even greater thickening and will perhaps be the best thing to do for the longer term. What do you guys think? But I am slightly worried that I may get a shed, which I got for about 2 months when I first added minoxidil. I still lose a few hairs (visibly), but nothing like prior to and during the shedding phase when I first introduced minoxidil.

Also I have just ordered Tricomin (which I hear also inhibts DHT to a certain extent. Is this true?). spironolactone is quite expensive but one bottle should last me 2.5 months (if i go ahead wth the purchase) because I will be applying it once a day and slightly less than 1 ml.

The Gardener

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From Dr. Lee's website: said:
Applied topically, however, spironolactone does not have systemic side effects []. Clinical evaluators of topical applications of spironolactone concluded, "as far as the topical use is concerned, spironolactone seems to be highly effective with absence of systemic effects"[19]. Physicians have been treating patients for male pattern baldness for well over fifteen years and there have not been any reports of systemic side effects. In my own research, the use of topical 5% spironolactone along with Xandrox 5% solution yielded improved results as compared to the use of Xandrox 5% alone. Likewise, the combination of 5% spironolactone with Regrowth's 5% minoxidil yielded improved results as compared to the use of 5% minoxidil used with daily 1 mg doses of finasteride (with the added advantage of zero side effects).

Multiple studies in various medical centers document that spironolactone is effective when applied topically [22].

In studying the anti-androgenic effects of topical spironolactone at the Department of Dermatology at New York University School of Medicine, researchers established that spironolactone concentrations of 0.01% to 5% produced a dose responsive decrease [23]. When both topical 5% spironolactone and topical 5% minoxidil are used daily in the treatment of male pattern baldness, the effects of the medications are synergistic. Whereas neither medication alone is particularly effective for the majority of patients, the success of the combination has been experimentally proven. Our own success rate with this formulation has been approximately 75-80%.

I have a minoxidil/spironolactone regimen, and I like my spironolactone 2% and it has been kind to me. The key sentence in the citation above is the reference to spironolactone and minoxidil being synergistically effective, that is, that the two together yield better results than using one or the other alone.
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regain said:
I have been on minoxidl (5%) now for nearly 7 months. I have seen a lot of regrowth and especially, dramatic thickening (my hair has changed from thin and brittle to normal). I have yet to introduce anything to counter DHT, though I do use nizarol and have green tea. I was wondering whether I should add spironolactone (2%) or continue to use only minoxidl as I am already achieving excellent results. But, if I add spironolactone I may achieve even greater thickening and will perhaps be the best thing to do for the longer term. What do you guys think? But I am slightly worried that I may get a shed, which I got for about 2 months when I first added minoxidil. I still lose a few hairs (visibly), but nothing like prior to and during the shedding phase when I first introduced minoxidil.

Also I have just ordered Tricomin (which I hear also inhibts DHT to a certain extent. Is this true?). spironolactone is quite expensive but one bottle should last me 2.5 months (if i go ahead wth the purchase) because I will be applying it once a day and slightly less than 1 ml.

I think a lot of people get "greedy" they see results but they want more. Look I think you should be thankful your seeing great results at 7 months. Tricomin is a nice addition though it doesn't inhibit DHT it reduces inflammation and keeps the scalp healthy to allow for better growth, and in some cases, regrowth.
If your getting the results you want now I wouldn't rush to add anything. Although I do think tricomin is a great addition in aiding the regrowth you've already achieved.
It's nice to hear your seeing some positive results :D I hope to hear from you soon with more good news!!!
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Also, have you thought about trying Follingen instead of tricomin. I hear it's more cost effective and just as good if not better.